Identosphere 100!!! Decentralized Ecosystem Governance vs Trust Registries • Cardano on the bandwagon? • OpenWallet Foundation
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Messari Crypto - Mainnet2022 9/21-23 -Kim Hamilton Duffy Speaking
Risk Management: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Security Compliance 9/29 EdgeSecure
Self-Sovereign Identity - Blockchain’s Killer Application?! 9/27 Cryptovalley. Switzerland/Online
Zero Trust Authentication – Blockchain government ID with PKI Orchestration 9/27-29
North Capital Forum by @USMexicoFound, 9/28-30 Mexico City - Transmute’s Thursday afternoon panel "Trust and Transparency in Trade"
European Blockchain Week 9/29-10/5 Slovenia and Croatia
Infrachain Summit 10/4 about real business – not the next hype
Identity Week USA (formerly Connect:ID) Washington DC 10/4-5 (Kaliya and other DIF folks will be there)
Internet Identity Workshop #35 11/14-16, Mountain View CA
Community Project on mDL and VCs
Last week we shared about the Community Project on mDL and VCs
Next week we are hosting two community calls to collect input for the project On Sept 27th in Asia morning time and on Sept 27th in US morning time.
Meme of Week
Vinícius Niche @viniciusniche of Truvity shares
Hey Tech Twitter, @TruvityHQ (where I work) is hiring engineers for the Infrastructure Developer (Go/Kubernetes) role, details are on the thread
Kaliya met the CEO this week at the Open Source Summit Dublin and was impressed.
Debunking Common Misconceptions About Passwordless Authentication auth0
From DID to DeFi and EVM Metadium
What is Web5? Timothy Ruff
Research \ Report
Cryptography Review of W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model and DIDs Standards and Cryptography Implementation Recommendations SRI International
SRI focused primarily on the cryptographic algorithms being used in the W3C standards and not on blockchain and DLT technologies or their use in operational systems. An algorithmic review is an important starting point to a full, system-level review for compliance to the federal standards and other requirements
Unmasking Power: Alternative Futures for Empowering Our Digital Identities.Chopra, Shreya (2022)
The project is directed primarily toward design and innovation teams, and associated knowledge workers, whose efforts have significant influence on future technologies, platforms, and their impacts. This work explores how we might deconstruct power dynamics prevalent in digital service design today. Through multiple analyses, maps and models of these systems, the paper reveals multiple opportunities for change.
INNOPAY paper on data sharing published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings Innopay
This week, has published the paper titled ‘Harmonization Profiles for Trusted Data Sharing Between Data Spaces: Striking the Balance between Functionality and Complexity’ in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Sellafield DLT Field Lab Harnessing the power of distributed ledger technology: how Digital Catapult’s Field Lab methodology can transform your business Condatis
The nuclear sector presents an exciting opportunity to implement advanced digital technologies for driving operational improvements and cultural transformation. Our DLT Field Labs showed how some of the challenges that seemed perplexing at the start of our journey have been deciphered through innovation and collaboration.
Legal identity of a person in a digital world Vikas Malhotra
Today, Sep 16th is the International Identity Day, a commemoration of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 which calls for the provision of legal identity for all by 2030.
McK Insights: Why digital trust truly matters, and what it means for your bottom line Dr. Carsten Stöcker
The results of our survey of more than 1,300 business leaders and 3,000 consumers globally suggest that establishing trust in products and experiences that leverage AI, digital technologies, and data not only meets consumer expectations but also could promote growth.
Instagram “slide show” about SSI Market Potential mehdicherifm
- New revenue growth
- New revenue streams
- Turn regulation in to revenues
- More customer reach
- More efficient operations
Writing for Verifiable Credentials Marketing Workshop Indicio
An Interactive workshop designed to uncover the winning strategies, and pitfalls to avoid, when communicating decentralized identity to customers, internal stakeholders, and the world.
Validated ID is set to complete the S4EDI20 interoperability tests
This represents the last phase of the AS4EDI20 project to implement the CEF eDelivery AS4 profile in Europe. This project is co-financed by the European Commission through the CEF Telecom program and managed by HaDEA, with action number 2020-EU-IA-0024.
OpenWallet Foundation Nat Zone
The formation of the OpenWallet Foundation was announced at the Open Source Summit held in Dublin on the evening of the 14th. The OpenWallet Foundation is an open source wallet based on standard protocols
The Launchpad: Introducing the new ID Wallet Global ID
As the user-facing part of the Trust Triangle, your ID Wallet should be beautiful, secure, and convenient.
An Identity Wallet Bill of Rights - Starting With the Mobile Driver License Spruce Systems
Spruce’s continued mission is to let users control their data across the web, whether it’s web2, web3, or beyond. This also applies to credentials issued by existing entities, such as the Mobile Driver License (mDL) issued by motor vehicle authorities across the world.
Global ID: Introducing our new ID Wallet FUTURE PROOF
Our biggest product release in some time, our new ID Wallet is a core pillar of our mission to enable anyone to create and own their digital identity. We spoke with GlobaliD’s Trey Steinhoff to discuss the launch.
Aries \ Indy \ AnonCreds the dialogue continues
Learnings from Aries, Indy and Various Verifiable Credential Implementations Northern Block
Standards such as OIDC and mDL are all now in dialogue with W3C, AnonCreds, Aries, etc. Mobile is a predominant technology, just like the way laptops were once upon a time. To reduce consumer friction and drive adoption, convergence of all these different technologies is required inside a mobile environment
Hyperledger Aries is the Present and the Future of Internet-Scale Trusted Verifiable Credential Ecosystems Indicio
While no technology runs perfectly on every device, a signal strength of Aries, AnonCreds, and Indy is that they work on the vast majority of current devices and systems, including $35 smart phones and low powered IOT/embedded devices. They represent the most inclusive way into this technology, which is an important factor in their popularity.
AnonCreds Indy-Pendence Cheqd
Part 1: Decoupling the reliance on Hyperledger Indy and creating more extensible AnonCreds Objects with cheqd.
Standards Work
Premature Standardization & Interoperability Continuum Loop
Here’s my premise – we don’t have standards nor interoperability – at least not as people really need. We have been through a process that is powerful and good – but what we have is what I call “premature standardization.” It’s a great start but nowhere near where things will be.
Notes from W3C TPAC on major deployments of Verifiable Credentials Manu Sporny via Phil Archer
Steel, Oil Agriculture Shipment into US Customs ($2.3T in good/year)
European Digital Wallet (€163M funding, 450M people)
Digital Education Credentials in Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya (323M people)
Digital Age Verfication (152k retail stores, 200M people)
Content Authenticity Initative (30M Adobe customers)
Digital Permanent Resident Cards (14M people)
IDnow joins Accelerate@IATA to shape the future of seamless air travel IDnow
The goal of IATA One ID is to set industry standards that further streamline the passenger journey with digitalization of admissibility and a contactless process through secure biometric enabled identification.
Cardano showing interest in our work
Advancing digital identity through DID core specification IOHK
Good news to see Cardano jumping on the bandwagon, looks like they will join the fray and bring DID\VC to Atla Prism.
The recent DID core specification approval at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provided clearer and stronger foundations for identity platforms building decentralized identifiers.
Decentralized Ecosystem Governance: Better, More Effective, and More Robust than Trust Registries Indicio
Decentralized Ecosystem Governance makes verifying data an easy-to-play game of red light/green light. And, importantly, it decentralizes governance to the appropriate authorities.
Trust Registries Tweetstorm Continuum Loop
We want to start a conversation on Trust Registries and get people thinking about how Trust Registries will help answer the hard questions an ecosystem needs to create a whole experience [tweetstorm]
DAOs are not corporations: where decentralization in autonomous organizations matters Vitalik Buterin
Because DAOs do not have a sovereign above them, and are often explicitly in the business of providing services (like currency and arbitration) that are typically reserved for sovereigns, it is precisely the design of sovereigns (political science), and not the design of corporate governance, that DAOs have more to learn from.
Web 3
Identity and Web3 auth0
A key opportunity Web3 presents in the identity space is the ability to interact with a user's blockchain data. This presents two benefits: enriching user profiles and streamlining the login process with federated logins using storage wallets.
Infura Announces Plan to Foster a Decentralized Infrastructure Ecosystem ConsenSys Blog
Decentralizing access to blockchain APIs is a vital step to improve network uptime and importantly, give people sovereignty of their personal data.
Ocean Protocol joins leading Web3 projects on the €20M+ Gaia-X moveID initiative to advance pan-European mobility Ocean Protocol
Ocean Protocol, the Web3 platform to unlock data services for AI and business innovation, has joined forces with Chainstep, Datarella,, peaq and 51nodes to develop the system architecture for European mobility with the preservation of data autonomy as its core principle, within the Gaia-X moveID project.
Dock’s Web3 ID Now Available on Auth0 Marketplace Dock
Dock has partnered with Auth0, one of the world’s leading identity management companies. Auth0 has added the support for Dock’s Web3 IDs in their marketplace integration to enable Auth0’s enterprise customers to integrate Web3 IDs on their platforms.
Ethereum Merge
The Merge Is Done. What’s Next for the Ethereum Ecosystem? ConsenSys Blog
Now that Ethereum runs on a PoS consensus mechanism, builders will be able to start using a form of data partitioning to improve throughput, called sharding. Sharding is a horizontal scaling technique common among other major database providers.
Ethereum Blockchain Eliminates 99.99% of its Carbon Footprint Overnight After a Successful Merge According to New Report ConsenSys Blog
This upgrade transforms Ethereum, the world’s first and largest smart contract platform, into an almost net-zero technology positioned for sustainable future growth
Use Cases
Transmute U.S. CBP Steel Tech Demo [video]
The story focuses on critical trade verifiable credentials being issued, presented, and verified by trade, CBP, and PGAs.
InfoCert, AUTHADA and Dr. Ing. Wandrei develop a new tool for QES in the circular economy Infocert
signature can now be done on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets with the new product, with a consequent streamlining of the entire process.
More Security in the Internet of Things – Thanks to ETO ETO
ETO uses a network of distributed digital identities (DIDs) and verifiable credentials (VCs). A side benefit from the perspective of human Internet users: they regain data sovereignty over their personal data. [github]
War Against the Robots – Pick your Side with SelfKey & Metaproof Platform SelfKey Foundation
Trying to ban or sideline bots is not a solution. The solution is to distinguish bots from humans so that humans can do human stuff and bots can do bot stuff.
Creating a culture of recognition We Are Open co-op
Too often, though, these badges focus on credentialing rather than recognition. Open Recognition is the awareness and appreciation of talents, skills and aspirations in ways that go beyond
Self-Sovereign Digital Twins MOBI
OpenEarth partners with BCGov to develop a digital trust marketplace for climate accounting OpenEarth Foundation
OpenEarth Foundation partnered with the Mines Digital Trust initiative to allow BC companies to also share their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions credentials to the OpenClimate platform so that they can be integrated into BC’s subnational climate inventory and showcased to interested purchasers and civic society
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