Identosphere 103 • Know Your Business with Centre's Verite • DHS VC/DID Implementation Profile • JWT w Selective Disclosure
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Digital Onboarding and SSI (self-sovereign identity) 10/12 KanexyLTD
Digital Identity For Policy Makers - London 10/24 presented by Kaliya Young
HM Government of Gibraltar DLT seminar by Paul G Astengo 11/01
Internet Identity Workshop #35 11/14-16, Mountain View CA
London - October 24th Digital Identity for Policy Makers Kaliya is collaborating with Newspeak House in London on putting on the 3 hour workshop she led in September - The workshop will cover key basics to understand what identity systems are and how they serve as core institutional memory. It will walk through key elements of digital identity systems and consider the emerging technologies that are part of considerations of eIDAS and other government identity systems across the globe including issuance of US Green Cards.
Course Now Live - Getting Started with Self-Sovereign Identity (LFS178x) - written by Kaliya & Lucy
On its way to becoming a key piece of the Internet infrastructure, SSI will soon reach most people’s lives and businesses, making it important for everyone to learn what it is and how it is going to influence us. This course will provide the knowledge and understanding you need to figure out what you want to do with self-sovereign identity next.
Community Work
mDL <> VC Community Exploration
We wrote a summary report that includes the details from the session slides as well as the essence of our discussion. We created spreadsheet Understanding Existing Efforts Relevant to the VC <> mDL Project, which includes all the ones we have found and shared by the community, and we will keep adding to it as we find more and invite you to do the same.
DHS VC/DID Implementation Profile: Credential Data Model Representation Syntax & Proof Format Anil John (Direct)
We are walking this path step-by-step by documenting the results and lessons from the DHS sponsored multi-platform, multi-vendor interoperability plug-fests and other rigorous plug-fests with similar goals to develop a “DHS Implementation Profile of W3C Verifiable Credentials and W3C Decentralized Identifiers” to ensure the use of Security, Privacy and Interoperability implementation choices
[Podcast] Privacy-preserving measures and SD-JWT with Daniel Fett IdentityUnlocked Auth0
The discussion gets very concrete when Daniel describes selective disclosure JWT, or SD-JWT, a new IETF specification he is coauthoring that offers a simple and easy-to-adopt approach to produce JWTs capable of supporting selective disclosure.
[Primer] Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) w3c
Call for Comments/Feedbacks for DPV v1.0 release
Please provide your comments by 15-OCT-2022 via GitHub or (mailing list).
Using OpenID4VC for Credential Exchange; Technometria - Issue #62
Extending OAuth and OIDC to support the issuance and presentation of verifiable credentials provides for richer interactions than merely supporting authentication. All the use cases we’ve identified for verifiable credentials are available in OpenID4VC as well.
Currently, everyone waiting for #AIP2, which enables #BBS+ #Signature in #SSI. Companies already implemented in their products, such as @trinsic_id and @mattrglobal. But ZKP #predicates are not supported by BBS+, so no ZKP age verification possible. Back to #AnonCreds?
Related resources:
Protocol Labs Research via twitter
Looking to improve the DWeb? Take a look at our RFP-013: "Cryptonet Network Grants" and how you can be awarded up to $35,000 USD for solving research problems regarding cryptography:
Tech Justice
Disrupting the Gospel of Tech Solutionism to Build Tech Justice SSIR
What does it mean to include new voices unless we create a context in which those voices are welcome and heard? To create those conditions, leaders in civil society and the private and public sectors must challenge institutional power and center the discussion on core social justice issues such as racism and structural inequality.
issuers or verifiers can only access the information shared by the DID holder. This information exchange can occur through various technologies, like NFC, QR, or Bluetooth. Zero-knowledge proofs are applied to restrict full information access.
GlobaliD 101: Device-based identity
That way, your sensitive personal data is stored locally on your own device rather than hosted on some company’s server that becomes a target for hackers.
The Time for Self-Sovereign Identity is Now Kim Hamilton Duffy, Learning Machine (Now Hyland Credentials)
Oldie but Goodie by Kim Hamilton Duffy from when she worked at Learning Machines
Technically, Verifiable Claims are claims made about a “subject” (identified by a digital identifier such as a DID) that are rendered tamper proof through digital signatures. The authenticity of digital signatures may, in turn, be established through issuer identifiers, which may also be expressed as DIDs.
India-stack and self-sovereign identity | EUBS 2022
a panel discussion with Akhilesh Srivastava (IT Advisor at Government of Uttarakhand), Mallikarjun Karra (Director of Research And Partnerships at Timechain Labs), Prof. Sandeep Shukla (Computer Science & Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur), Swapnil Pawar (Founder of Newrl) and Ishan Roy (Head of Blockchain at Tamil Nadu E-Governance Agency) @larissa_health via Twitter
an open directory for everyone who is interested in SSI. It should be blockchain agnostic, so anybody can help. You can add your project if it is related.
The open SSI / DID Directory
Web 3
Walkaway or Why Forking Matters Holochain
Sometimes the ability to opt-out is what makes a technology truly useful.
Ethereum Competitors: Advantages and Disadvantages Panther Protocol
Ethereum competitors that aim for scalability (Solana, Polkadot, Near)
[…]Aiming for interoperability (Cosmos, Cardano)
[…]Aiming for security (MEV Mitigation) (Solana & Osmosis)
[…]Aiming for privacy (Secret Network, Oasis, Panther)
The Battle for the Soul of the Web The Atlantic
Musings from, amongst other places, Unfinished Live and DWeb Camp all written up in the Atlantic.
Long before the NFT boom or the Web3 backlash, an unglamorous movement was under way. Where does it stand now?
From FromCircle’s Converge 22
Circle & Industry Leaders Build First Decentralized Identity PoC for Crypto Finance using Centre Verite Credentials Centre (ANN-thread)
Together with Archblock, the team behind the TrueFi protocol, MetaMask Institutional and Parallel Markets, Circle Internet Financial has built the first proof-of-concept for “know your business” (KYB) verification using Verite, Centre's set of open source protocols for decentralized digital identity credentials
Decentralized Systems of Identity and Owning Your Own Data Money Reimagined Coindesk
hosts Michael Casey and Sheila Warren are together again but this time, at Converge22 by Circle. They discuss the challenges of identity and verification in the U.S. and in other countries with Daniel Buchner, head of decentralized identity at Block; and Chi Nnadi, the co-founder and CEO at Mara.
Company News
KILT Protocol first Parachain to Successfully Migrate from Kusama to Polkadot
Besides marking an important technical milestone, the migration also represents the first instance of a parachain taking the upgrade path from Kusama to Polkadot. This demonstrates an important use case for the ‘canary network’ model pioneered by Polkadot
What’s new in sideos 2.0 SideOS
sideos is a simple data ecosystem backed by a new web standard: self-sovereign identity, or SSI.
SSI in a World of Authentication: Architecture and Domain Usecases Morgan Reece & Sudip Mittal, Mississippi State University
we describe the SSI framework architecture as well as possible use cases across domains like healthcare, finance, retail, and government. The paper also contrasts SSI and its decentralized architecture with the current widely adopted model of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Legal Identity, Development and Democracy in Northern Europe Jaap van der Straaten :: SSRN
Out of the eighteen countries included in northern Europe in this paper, one has no national ID; another denies it has, and seven countries only have a voluntary ID. The extent of national ID coverage is hardly known. Also in the European Union, only six in ten countries have a mandatory ID. It does not matter.
video Solving Governance in SSI Ecosystems with Trust Registries. Trust over IP Foundation
Learn the what and the why behind trust registries. In addition to discussing how trust registries solve governance in verifiable credential ecosystems, Tomislav demos the very first implementation of ToIP’s trust registry specification.
Building a Community of Practice: Convening systems for maturity and development Doug Belshaw, WeAreOpenCoop
This post outlines different types of work that needs to take place when planning, sustaining, and developing a Community of Practice. It is informed by work that WAO have carried out with Participate around the Keep Badges Weird community over the last 10 months.
2022 Executive Council nominations now open Digital Identity NZ
In December 2019, members elected the first Digital Identity NZ Executive Council. The Council is the governing group for the association; providing guidance and direction as we navigate the developing world of digital identity in Aotearoa.
How to get a vLEI Credential Simon Wood, UbiSecure
The first step in issuance is for a representative to enter a contractual agreement with a QVI to provide the issuance service. The individual from the legal entity that undertakes this contractual signup is known as the Designated Authorised Representative (DAR) [...]
full OOR-vLEIs issuance process is detailed in the Ecosystem Governance Framework
Responding to the experiences of the American public, and informed by insights from researchers, technologists, advocates, journalists, and policymakers, this framework is accompanied by From Principles to Practice—a handbook for anyone seeking to incorporate these protections into policy and practice
California Legalizes Blockchain-based Vital Records MobileDataWorld
As an abstract of the bill explains, while existing law requires such records “to contain certain information and to be printed on chemically sensitized security paper, as specified,” the new legislation enables a county recorder to, upon request, issue a birth, death, or marriage record “by means of verifiable credential, as defined, using blockchain technology, defined as a decentralized data system, in which the data stored is mathematically verifiable, that uses distributed ledgers or databases to store specialized data in the permanent order of transactions recorded.”
A critical fork in the data road? MyData
In its discussion of data portability the EU rightly recognises the economic importance of this issue, stressing that “market imbalances arising from the concentration of data restricts competition, increases market entry barriers and diminishes wider data access and use.”
Identity not SSI
Call it data liberation day: Patients can now access all their health records digitally Statnews
Under federal rules taking effect Thursday, health care organizations must give patients unfettered access to their full health records in digital format. No more long delays. No more fax machines. No more exorbitant charges for printed pages.
Introducing Noir: The Universal Language of Zero-Knowledge Aztec Network
Noir is a Rust-based domain specific language (DSL) for creating and verifying zero-knowledge proofs. It’s the easiest way to write zk applications that are compatible with any proving system.
Use Case
The Block Space @theblockspaceio via Twitter
we believe that education should evolve, apadt and adopt the latest technologies available such as #Web3. Let's talk about why self-sovereign identity will increase the demand of educational institutions for a future in lifetime digital credentials
Coming soon — a resume-validating blockchain network for job seeker Computer World
“Verifying applicant career records can take days, weeks, if not months, to complete," said Dror Gurevich, founder and CEO of the Velocity Network Foundation. "Hiring methods are severely outdated to the point that one in three Americans have admitted to lying on their resumes, which slows the hiring process immensely.
Creating an Enterprise DID to Provide Power of Attorney for Employees Affinidi
“How to have an enterprise Decentralized Identifier (DID) when an employee 👨💼👩💼 can act on behalf of this company 🏢 with flexible permissions layer in a decentralized or peer-to-peer way?” [delagation]
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