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Identosphere 114 • NIST seeks alternative to Facial Recognition • How to Work with Open Source • Web3 Identity Stack
Everything related to decentralized identity and verifiable credentials including standards and development: updates, walkthroughs, from the enterprise to web3, real world use, policy and research.
Happy New Year from Identosphere - where the news cycle no longer sleeps
Contribute to our efforts by PayPal, or Patreon & we’ll keep aggregating industry infos, for the coming decade.
TWO weeks left to submit proposals for #Identiverse 2023 1/8
2023 OpenWallet Foundation Launch Event 1/17 @ Davos
Identity, Authentication and the Road Ahead: A Cybersecurity Policy Forum 1/25
GS1 Global Forum 2/13-16
APAC Digital Identity unConference 3/1-3 Bangkok, Thailand
Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop virtual unConference 3/13-17 [Registration]
Internet Identity Workshop 4/20, Mountain View, CA
Standards Work
A Plugfest Simone Ravaioli
The purpose of the Jobs for the Future (JFF) and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) PlugFest was to bootstrap technical interoperability across a variety of credential issuing platforms and digital wallets that are active in the Learning and Employment Records (LERs) ecosystem.
[tweet] MIT and the W3C have reached an agreement and the W3C will kick off 2023 with funds and assets robinberjon
Many thanks for all your support and to all those who worked towards reaching an agreement. Enjoy the holidays!
NIST Wants an Alternative to Facial Recognition for Digital Identity, and Is Asking for Advice FindBiometrics
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published draft guidelines concerning the management of digital identities online, and will welcome public comment on the draft until March 24
Why CBOR? Blockchain Commons
we have decided to use the IETF CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) standard in our specifications, including Gordian Envelope.
We chose CBOR as our serialization format choice for several key reasons
Gordian Envelope Use Cases Overview Blockchain Commons
The Gordian Envelope Smart Document is a powerful new method of data storage and transmission that focuses on protecting the privacy of its contents through cryptographic functions such as signatures, elision, and inclusion proofs. But what does that mean? Why would you use it? To answer these questions we’ve published a set of 24 use cases that not only demonstrate many innovative uses for Gordian
Status List 2021 Privacy-preserving status information for Verifiable Credentials Dave Longley, Manu Sporny (Digital Bazaar) CCG Draft Community Group Report
This specification describes a privacy-preserving, space-efficient, and high-performance mechanism for publishing status information such as suspension or revocation of Verifiable Credentials.
Verifiable Issuers & Verifiers is now here @RWOTEvents… It's about how to share lists of verifiable issuers and verifiers for a transactions, with great use cases, discussions of prior art, unified requirements, a concrete data model & more.
What is DIDComm? (With Pictures!) Indicio
In this framework each holder of a DID agrees to accept a connection and enables communication along that channel, whether it be through a website, email, mobile push notifications, QR codes, or a text message. These connections benefit from the built-in features of DIDComm technology, including message encryption, mutual authentication, and message routing.
One Trust Spanning Protocol & Many Trust Tasks (with Drummond Reed) Northern Block
Does the new ToIP Technology Architecture Specification address the questions posed by Kim Cameron in his 2005 whitepaper?
If we agree that one identity system cannot rule them all, how then can an identity metasystem solve interoperability across identities, identity systems and contexts? (hint: a trust spanning protocol!)
What are the leading contenders for becoming the trust spanning protocol?
What are some examples of trust tasks, other than credential exchange, that are possible to unlock?
[video] Web 7.0 DIDComm Agent Architecture Reference Model (DIDComm-ARM) 0.41 Part 1 of 2 Michael Herman
The purpose of this document is to introduce and describe the DIDComm Agent Architecture Reference Model (DIDComm-ARM) and the DIDComm Notation.
- The DIDComm-ARM is a layered architecture reference model designed to help guide software architects and developers in the design and creation of the broadest range of DIDComm Agent-based software systems possible.
- DIDComm Notation is a graphical modeling language used to design and model DIDComm Agent-based software systems.
Using Decentralized Identifiers: Identifier Context and Proving Control with a DID Document Transmute
Context Matters for Identifiers Identifiers as we know them are paired with and understood by the service that is providing them. For example, I might have a unique identifier for a bank account, and each bank provides a unique identifier for all of the bank accounts they issue.
[github] Workshop Microsoft Verifiable Credentials for Identity Claim twogenidentity
This repository demonstrates how to integrate Microsoft Entra Verified ID with Keycloak Access Manager for issuing Verifiable Credentials based Keycloak id tokens. Nevertheless, you can also integrate your Identity Provider with the demo.
How to work with an open source project Indicio
Where to find open source projects or how to start your own
How to get people interested in your project and grow your community
The ins and outs of the programs and websites used for open source projects and how to use them to their full functionality
Govt \ Policy
Better Identity in America: A Blueprint for State Policymakers Better Identity Coalition
Our Blueprint for State Policymakers containssix key initiatives:
1) Place the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) at the center of state digital identity solutions.
2) Establish attribute validation services at vital records bureaus to support next-generation, consumer-centric remote identity proofing and verification systems.
3) Embrace identity innovation for better services. States need to embrace new technologies to enable a broader array of services for constituents.
4) Make sure identity works for everybody. While state DMVs are the logical starting point for most residents, they don’t work for everybody.
5) Promote and prioritize the use of strong authentication.
6) Do no harm. Some states have passed security and privacy legislation that has inadvertently precluded use of some identity security technologies, or mandated non-standard approaches to identity verification or authentication that put government, business, and residents at risk.
Seeding a digital trust ecosystem SSIOrbit
Energy and Mines Digital Trust (EMDT) was established by the Government of British Columbia (B.C.) to incentivize the formation of a digital trust ecosystem that will result in accuracies and efficiencies when sharing sustainability data, with downstream impacts of contributing towards a low-carbon economy. Reporting environmental impact data can be a complicated and laborious process. Data is difficult to exchange internationally, and consumers cannot always access, or trust, reported data.
Governments Go Digital (Identity) Indicio
Uniting these diverse use cases was a common thread: Governments need to create easily verifiable data. That means tamper-proof, privacy-preserving, and securely-transmitted data. That means avoiding complex IT integrations and third party data management. That means data which can be shared and verified across different domains and ecosystems, which means interoperable technology.
Electronic Trade Documents Bill, with Chris Southworth, ICC UK & Oswald Kuyler, MonetaGo UbiSecure
Electronic Trade Documents Bill is putting documents handled in digital form on the same legal footing as paper documents.
[video tweet] Companies see #regulations as business blocker @SSI_by_memes
But accepting and integrating laws such as #eID and #dataprivacy allows you to shape a #sustainable #business
Company News
Get a sneak peak and provide feedback for the Transmute Verifiable Data Platform Closed Beta Transmute
Currency of Freedom TBD - Global perspectives on bitcoin, human rights, and economic empowerment
Mike Brock, Head of TBD, sat down with Human Rights Foundation Chairman, Garry Kasparov, to discuss bitcoin as a tool to help protect and expand democracy and freedom around the world.
Tech Journalism Doesn’t Know What to Do With Mastodon Ben Werdmüller
“What’s attractive about Mastodon isn’t the software (it’s not as slick as corporate social media but it’s still very good) — it’s the values of the platform. No one is trying to hack the attention of Mastodon users for profit, no one is bombarding us with ads. It’s just a community of people, communicating.”
IndieWeb and Mastodon Heres Tom with the Weather
Thanks to EFF-Austin for the opportunity to talk along with Jon Lebkowsky about the relationship between Indieweb and the Fediverse. (Slides and video) The meetup Indieweb and Mastodon: The Time is Now was coincidentally in the same room as IndieWebCamp Austin 2020.
Lists and people on Mastodon Jon Udell
I hadn’t thought to use Mastodon lists until I read the Frustration with lists chapter of Martin Fowler’s Exploring Mastodon, in which he writes: I like lists because they allow me to divide up my timeline to topics I want to read about at different times.
Urbit - Decentralized Computing Platforms Epicenter
When discussing the widespread adoption of true, peer-to-peer decentralization, one could easily identify various social and political obstacles. However, there is also an often overlooked technological impairment as the underlying architecture of computer networks was not designed to achieve global-scale decentralization.
60 Days of the Impervious Browser (Alpha) in the Wild 🎅🏼🎄 Impervious
The Peer-to-Peer internet is winning, with the Impervious Browser now live in over a 100 countries! We're experiencing rapid week-over-week growth and adoption throughout the world.
Web 3
with Ethereum to SSX: Expanding Decentralized Identity Spruce
SSX is the functional equivalent of a Sign-In with Ethereum: Special Edition that includes the base game plus all downloadable content, add-ons, optional cosmetics, and more. For example, do you want to enable DAO logins or ENS resolution? Instead of doing the full configuration in your app from a number of disparate guides, just enable a feature flag
[tweet] There are over 100 DID Methods listed on the W3C website, often associated with its own VDR alexanderchopan
Towards Digital Self-Sovereignty: The Web3 Identity Stack 1kxnetwork
“As a minimalistic, unopinionated protocol already serving millions of cryptonative users, WalletConnect may prove a powerful alternative to DIDComm in accelerating the adoption of self-sovereign identity infrastructure.”
Introducing NFA’s: Non-Fungible Apps fleek
Non-Fungible Apps (NFA) – The concept is quite simple; take everything that makes your web3 app run and orchestrate it through a smart contract for increased transparency, decentralization, and censorship resistance. The NFA owns everything and controls everything. When you transfer your NFA, you’re transferring your entire app.
Identity in the metaverse at risk, says former Windows architect Cointelegraph
As our real-life and online identities continue to merge, the stakes for identity theft on the Metaverse will increase.
[tweet] At @ArcBlock_io we use Verifiable Credentials as the payload of NFTs @mave99a
Thanks for Reading - Happy New Year!
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