Identosphere 134: Next 3 Weeks: 1)MEF Connects London/virtual May 25: 2) MyData Helsinki: 3) Digital Identity unConference Europe, Zurich. US Strategy includes ID as Critical Infrastructure
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Identosphere’s Weekly Highlights:
We Gather, You Read!
We’ll keep aggregating industry info. Show support by PayPal, or Patreon!
[Brussels] Blockchain-Based Identity Management Systems: Opportunities and Challenges 5/24 - CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry and civil society to discuss the latest emerging issues and trends
Web 3.0: Self Sovereign Identity for Startups 5/24 - Panel at Wacom Europe GmbH
Heroes of Data Privacy – the practise-oriented data privacy conference in Vienna LionsGate 5/24 Vienna, Austria
[Virtual Option] London Event: MEF CONNECTS Personal Data & Identity 5/25 Identity Praxis, Inc. ←-Rebekah CEO of Numeracle presenting
How MyData conference became the most impactful event for personal data sharing 5/31-6/1
Digital Identity unConference Europe 6/7-9 Zurich ← Registration open
[NYC] Velocity Network Foundation® 2023 General Assembly 6/19-20
[Amsterdam] The Closing Conference of the Blockchain & Society Policy Research Lab [Call for Papers] 7/3-4
[New Zealand] Digital Trust Hui Taumata: Registrations now open! 8/1
How To
DID Delegation OwnYourData
DID Delegation involves a few key steps and are described below using the command line utility oydid:
[Webinar] Verifiable Credentials and Digital Wallets: An Overview with Erik Scott CI Compass [video] [slides] -”How do you prove who you are or what you are without giving away the keys to the castle?”
[tweet thread] One of the biggest benefits of self-sovereign identity is that it eliminates the need for usernames and passwords Mahir Şentürk
Privacy in Your Hands: exploring the Power of Prifina with Valto Loikkanen IdentityPraxis
how data can automatically be gathered from sensors and IoT devices. We review the concepts of a PIMS, a personal data store, and demonstrate Prifina’s integration with OpenAI’s Chat GPT and how individuals can seamlessly use a personal artificial intelligent agent to mine and get real-time value from their data
Verifiable Credentials for the Modern Identity Practitioner KuppingerCole
despite knowing your way thru identity, you still can't really tell how they work in practice or how the boldest claims (no more centralized DBs! Apps cannot save PII!) will play out. This session will dive into VCs and separate the hype from their true, remarkable potential.
Company News
[Thread] GateKeeper Beta is LIVE! GateKeeper
GateKeeper is a Digital Identity Aggregator that aims to fix the issue of fragmented #DigitalIdentity Data points. Its primary use case is the ability for users of GateKeeper to Issue #verifiableCredentials across multiple DID methods with ease.
The Secure Middleware KYC/AML Solution for International Businesses exeraID
without holding users’ data, automatic detection of non-compliant users, and ongoing monitoring of user accounts make it an ideal solution for international businesses to comply with KYC/AML
Threshold Signatures for Secure Multi-Party Credential Transactions Dock
For example, let's say a private key is divided into five shares, and the threshold is set at three. This means that any three out of the five parties can come together and combine their shares to create a valid signature.
[video] Workplace Verification on LinkedIn with Microsoft Entra Verified ID Tech Mind Factory
This video explains how LinkedIn members can verify their place of work with a Microsoft Entra Verified ID Verifiable Credentials.
Microsoft Entra Verified ID Core Concepts and Use Case
Spruce Developer Update #31 - our latest development efforts: SSX, SIWE, Kepler Storage, SpruceID, DIDKit, TreeLDR, Rebase
Idendi3 Podcast: Sarah Clark, Senior Vice President of Digital Identity at Mastercard Dock
Sarah's team is building and leading the development of Mastercard’s new digital identity network which will not be directly related to Mastercard’s payment network at all. The company plans for its digital IDs to be reusable for in-person interactions, online, through the phone, and other channels.
[KYC, KYB] Deloitte Integrates KILT Identity Blockchain, Creating New Markets with Digital Credentials Delloite
Deloitte is providing a credential wallet in the form of a browser extension. [...] “By offering reusable digital credentials anchored on the KILT blockchain, Deloitte is transforming verification processes for individuals and entities,”
[Canada, Report] Perspectives on the Adoption of Verifiable Credentials DIACC
examines relative interest levels among industries using verifiable credentials as part of their identity management offerings. This report also provides a brief discussion of critical issues and challenges associated with representative verifiable credentials [...] concerning the general use of verifiable credentials in Canada's digital identity ecosystem.
Hedera Hashgraph Joins World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); New DID Method Published by W3C Credentials Community Group Hedera
The Hedera DID Method leverages the Hedera Consensus Service and can consequently support transaction volume of tens of thousands of identity anchoring operations per second - opening up use cases like the Internet of Things to the Decentralized Identity model.
[OASIS] OASIS launching new standards effort Lightweight Verifiable Credential Schema and Process (LVCSP) Technical Committee (TC)
TC seeks to define a lightweight identity credential schema that will allow people (VC subjects) to share their verified identity attestations across various platforms and services [...] and we invite you to consider being a part of it.
[OASIS] Lightweight Verifiable Credential Schema and Process Identiverse
we cover the scope, purpose and deliverables of a new OASIS working group that aims to define a lightweight identity credential schema [...] The work will cover KYC, KYB and Financial institutions related credentials.
What is “Good” Digital Identity? DIACC
digital identity is evolving along with the responsible tech movement, itself growing and already impacting Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance, as seen in the principles of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and the EU AI ACT.
The Revolution is Here: An Interview With Daniel Goldscheider, Founder of the OpenWallet Foundation IdentityPraxis
learn about the OpenWallet Foundation, the benefits of open-source SmartWallet capabilities, and how to get involved (Here is a hint: it is open, and it is free to contribute and use code; there is a nominal fee for commercial organizations to participate in the community governance).
United States Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology
The United States will prioritize efforts for standards development for a subset of CET that are essential for U.S. competitiveness and national security, including the following areas:
Digital Identity Infrastructure and Distributed Ledger Technologies, which increasingly affect a range of key economic sectors;
Democratic Rep Says Self-Custody Wallets Should Have Federal Digital Identities Blockworks
is there any alternative to having both sides of every crypto transaction associated with a traceable digital identity and have that digital identity issued by a government with which we have extradition treaties and a common concept of financial fraud
FTC to Issue Policy Statement On Biometric Data, during May 18 Open Commission Meeting FTC
The proposed amendments would help clarify technologies and entities covered by the Rule, facilitate greater electronic breach notices to consumers, and expand the required content of the notices, among other changes.
Trade Regulation Rule on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security, 16 CFR Part 464
the Commission invites comment on whether it should implement new trade regulation rules or other regulatory alternatives concerning the ways in which companies (1) collect, aggregate, protect, use, analyze, and retain consumer data, as well as (2) transfer, share, sell, or otherwise monetize that data in ways that are unfair or deceptive.
myGov gets Budget certainty, new money flows to Digital ID InnovationAus
The government has also committed $26.9 million to “develop the stage of the Digital ID program”, which will mostly be used by the Department of Finance and the Digital Transformation Agency to maintain the current Digital ID system and design “policy and legislative foundations”.
European Digital Identity and the Velocity Network: Building a Secure Future for Digital Credentials Velocity Network Foundation
The ARF establishes a framework for integrating various credentials and ecosystems into EUDI Wallets, which combine elements of EIDASv1 with SSI standards from organizations [like W3C, DIF, IETF, OIDF, & ISO]
What is Nigeria’s blockchain policy, and why should you care? Techpoint Africa
the blockchain adoption strategy [..] will guide the adoption of blockchain technology [... including …] Identity data management; identity management system can evolve into a self-sovereign identity approach where everyone can take charge of their data through blockchain.
[Video] Analyst Chat #172: Trends and Predictions for 2023 - The Business Case for Decentralized Identity
one of the concerns a lot of organizations have [that] decentralized identity is a totally different way of doing identity management. No, [...[ It's an additional way for receiving context data that can be used for syndication decisions.
Why the FTX Collapse Was an Identity Problem Dark Reading
At a US House Financial Services Committee hearing last December, John J. Ray, the new CEO of FTX, admitted to lawmakers that there had been "no record keeping whatsoever," and confessed that the crypto exchange had essentially engaged in "old-fashioned embezzlement."
Infrastructure: Revolutionizing the Global Economy Finance Magazines
need to prioritize data privacy and security, offering customers transparent control over their financial data. Collaboration with decentralized platforms and integrating Web3 technologies will be crucial for banks to remain competitive. This might involve partnerships with blockchain startups, exploring decentralized lending and borrowing solutions, or implementing [SSI] frameworks.
How Verifiable Credentials Can Empower Small Businesses Indicio
none of this has to be complicated or particularly expensive. Whether you see your business as big or small, verifiable credentials offer a way to streamline several different aspects of your operations and make your life easier.
‘Data wallets’: a trap waiting to be sprung? Alan Mitchell
you might conclude, if you built a skyscraper ten times higher than the current one, then you’d be ten times closer to your goal. [...] Much of today’s fashionable talk about organisations providing their customers with ‘data wallets’ is a classic example of the First Step Fallacy at work. It’s a trap waiting to be sprung.
Understanding Consumer Attitudes Towards Modern Identity Auth0
let’s talk about methodology. Okta’s Customer Identity Cloud Unit (CICPU) conducted a series of 60-minute Zoom research sessions with consumers from around the globe.
Web 3
Web 3.0 Marketing and Establishing Authentic B2C Connections with Virginie Glaenzer IdentityPraxis
For the first time, the people, not platform providers, will bring and manage the identities and personal data that will flow across the wires and through the air. The discussion provides a fascinating look into Virginie’s journey and offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, marketers, and investors.
“Let MiCA do its job”: Industry experts praise framework but issue stark warning.
“If we are going to have a successful crypto hub – wherever that is, then we need to instil certain rules and regulations that enable a functioning and healthy ecosystem, and KYC will be integral part in facilitating this,” added Rayissa.
Polygon ID and Verida Make Zero-Knowledge Credentials Accessible to All Verida
Verida has integrated Polygon ID wallet SDKs to become the first consumer-ready mobile crypto wallet to support Polygon ID zero-knowledge (ZK) credentials.
Decentralized Web
being an open protocol though, Software Developer Zhuowei Zhang was able to get access to the posts and users data and published a Bluesky data dump on his blog.
[video] Expert Webinar: How to Build Aviation’s Identity-First Future FindBiometrics
By the end of the decade, the travel experience will allow travellers to enroll their biometrics and identity data [...] speed through security wouthout invasive measures, [...] and board their plane in record time without having to dig through their belongings for their physical ID.
Identity not SSI
ŌURA Acquires Proxy in All-Equity Deal: Acquisition opens the door to payments and authentication through Proxy's identity platform and smart ring patent portfolio
[Identiverse Trends Report] Growth, acceleration, and safety: Identiverse Trends Report (the report) SC Media
Open Source Summit 2023 (LF)
Lessons Learned in Building an Interdependent Open Source Team OSS2023
● Alluxio Open Source Intro
● The Mission(s) for Open Source Team
● Open Source Team Explained
● User Types and Community Growth Flywheel
● Building Blocks for an Open Source Team
● Resource Planning, & Metrics
Open Source is Winning but we could Still Lose OSS2023
● We ARE in competition with commercial software
● How do we promote and position ourselves?
● Marking is not a dirty word.
● Improve overall experience, overall image
● Better coordination along entire process CI/CD to include SBOM checks
● Better communication
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