Identosphere 136: European Pilots Updates • Wallets can't be Transformers • Unique Short History of the LEI
You weekly guide to the latest news events and related info surrounding development and implementation of decentralized identity and verifiable credentials
Identosphere’s Weekly Highlights
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[Finland] MyData 2023 (the most impactful event for personal data) 5/31-6/1
[Las Vegas] Identiverse 5/31-6/1 ←Kaliya is there in person, reach out.
[online] Hyperledger AnonCreds Workshop: Using ZKP Verifiable Credentials Everywhere 05-31
[online] did:hack - decentralized identity hackathon for people to learn, collaborate, and build a project centered around decentralized identity. 6/5-8
[Zurich] Digital Identity unConference Europe 6/7-9 ← Kaliya co-facilitating.
[Virtual \ Paris] Web3 & Digital Identity: a human-centric technology 06-14
[NYC] Velocity Network Foundation® 2023 General Assembly 6/19-20
[Amsterdam] The Closing Conference of the Blockchain & Society Policy Research Lab [Call for Papers] 7/3-4
[New Zealand] Digital Trust Hui Taumata: Registrations now open! 8/1
Industry Commentary
No, Wallets Can’t be the Adapters Between Credential Formats 2023-05-26 IdentityWoman
Northern Block published a post last week written by their CEO Mathieu Glaude, putting out a call to action to figure out how we can have a “Digital Universal Credential [sic] Adaptor”.
It is not possible because deep properties of how the cryptographic technology works and how technical trust is confirmed do not allow the wallet to be a “transformer”.
New Podcast
Making Data Better Steve Lockstep
Data quality is fundamental to changing the Internet's economic model from the coin of our attention to something better
Finding SDKs for #verifiablecredentials has been a challenge Waylon Kenning
though there are good ones built right here in NZ with MATTR and now some from Microsoft too. Shows some real product maturing occurring.
Reduce fraud and improve engagement using Digital Wallets Microsoft
Decentralized Identity on Hedera Hedera
Applications issuing credentials to an end user, as well as every event in the credential’s lifecycle, are recorded on Hedera. When a credential is presented to an application or business, supporting information is securely retrieved to either validate or lookup related identity information.
IoT Swarms and SSI for Constrained Networks Geovane Fedrecheski
Swarms of IoT devices
SSI for IoT makes sense, but has limitations
Reducing overhead of DIDComm and DID Documents
Securing Verifiable Credentials using JSON Web Tokens 2023-05-25, W3C
This specification defines how to secure Verifiable Credentials with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) [RFC7519], which build on JSON Web Signatures (JWS) [RFC7515]. This enables Verifiable Credentials to be easily integrated into ecosystems that already support JSON Web Tokens.
Verifiable Credentials JSON Schema Specification 2023 2023-05-24 W3C
Among other things, the [VC-DATA-MODEL-2] specifies the models used for Verifiable Credentials, Verifiable Presentations, and explains the relationships between three parties: issuers, holders, and verifiers.
[explainer] Open Standards: The Building Blocks of Open Innovation 2023-05-24, Oasis Open, Francis Beland
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) 2023-05-24, WaltID - Today we explore decentralised identifiers (DIDs), self-sovereign, globally unique digital identifiers for individuals, companies, and devices.
7 Insights Into Progress on the Path to Decentralized Identity 2023-05-24, Anonyome, Dr. Paul Ashley
Verifiable credentials (VCs) have quickly become the “killer feature” of DI because they’re making selective disclosure of PII possible and will drive DI’s ubiquity across the internet in the next decade.
[video] Webinar: Verifiable Credentials and Digital Wallets CI Compass, Erik Scott
Two pervasive problems throughout distributed computing are the determination of who a user is and their attributes, and the user-controlled, fine-grained sharing of personal information to third parties.
[Whitepaper] Innovating Identity and Access Management with Decentralized Identity
AI and Decentralized Identity 2023-02-15, DONALD BULLERS
A complete information transformation, including how we perceive each other online, is underway. Shifting into warp speed, AI innovation, and the companies adopting this new technology, are leaving humanistic information in their dust.
The Dawn of Decentralized Organizational Identity, Part 1: Identifiers 2023-05-24, Timothy Ruff
But first things first: before authority can be strongly verified, its source must first be strongly identified; it does no good to prove representation of an employer without first uniquely identifying who that employer is.
The Unique Short History of the LEI 2023-05-25, Timothy Ruff
In 2014, through its Financial Stability Board (FSB), the G20 carried out one of its decisions from the aftermath of the 2008 Financial Crisis: it formed GLEIF, the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation. GLEIF is as neutral as can be
Digital Identity - State of the Nations 2023-04-27, The Future of You
What is the state of Digital ID in the UK? Will the wallets offered by Big Tech win out in the USA? And how might eIDAS or the EUDI approach evolve across the EU?
[tweet] What about sharing information with private stakeholders? 2023-05-26, DC4EU
Are you concerned about how your data is used and disclosed? #DC4EU is and will be GDPR compliant. You will have control of the attributes shared. #verifiablecredentials #eidas #eudiw #ebsi #w3c
[tweet] How many times have you shown your university diploma? 2023-05-26 DC4EU_project
How many times have you shown your university diploma? #DC4EU doesn't focus on higher education certificates only but on lifelong learning and micro-credentials on knowledge or competencies.
New Massive European Pilots
EU Digital identity: 4 projects launched to test EUDI Wallet 2023-05-23, Digital Strategy - EU
involve more than 250 private and public organisations across almost every Member State, as well as Norway, Iceland, and Ukraine, and will run for at least 2 years. They represent a combined investment of over €90 million in the EU digital identity ecosystem
Pilots for European Digital Identity Wallet Consortium POTENTIAL
Access to government services
Opening of a bank account
Registration for a SIM card
Mobile driving licence
EU Digital Identity Wallet Consortium EWC
The storage and display of digital travel credentials
The organisation of digital wallets
The organisation of payments
Nordic-Baltic eID Wallet Consortium NOBID
The project will focus on a single use-case: the use of the EUDI wallet for the authorisation of payments for products and services by the wallet user.
Digital Credentials for Europe Consortium DC4EU
The project will test the use of the EUDI wallet in the educational sector and the social security domain. The pilot project will align with the European Social Security Pass and the European Learning Model. It will use the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) in the context of the EUDI wallet.
Company Stories
Atala PRISM: pioneering digital identity with decentralized solutions 2023-05-11, Olga Hryniuk
his also includes the W3C DID spec for standardization and interoperability, DIDComm v2 – a chat for communication, and, coming soon AnonCreds, which ensure credentials’ increased privacy using selective disclosure and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP).
dApp Dive: Disco & Decentralized Identity 2023-05-18, Zerion
In practice, decentralized identifiers are data and the way to use it. DID by itself isn’t particularly useful. To do something with a DID, you usually need a verifiable credential.
IdRamp Orchestration Fabric now available in the MS Azure Marketplace 2023-05-26
IdRamp combines Microsoft Entra Verified ID with a user-friendly zero-code approach that enables seamless integration and automated service delivery across multiple cloud environments.
[verifiable credentials] Energy Web Launches Certification for Sustainable Bitcoin Mining 2023-05-25 [architecture] [thread]
Switchboard, our decentralized access management system, used for allowing independent auditors to review and issue certifications to Bitcoin miners in verifiable credential format.
[SIWE.eth] used for authenticating the users into platform securely using their Energy Web Chain anchored decentralized identifiers (#DID).
verifiable credentials (#VC) used for storing Bitcoin miner certifications in a secure and verifiable off-chain data format.
verifiable presentations used for secure and verifiable data sharing between applications inside the GP4BTC system.
Worldcoin Approaches $100M in Latest Funding Round to Build Global Digital ID System 2023-05-17
Clearly there is money in this market 👀👀👀
As for its iris-scanning orb, the device is still very much in play. Worldcoin launch a registration tour last month that aims to scan eyeballs across nine cities. In the meantime, interested users can register for Worldcoin with their phone number until they’re in a position to get their eyes scanned
Digitalizing Vital Records: Do’s and Don’t 2023-05-24, Indicio, Tim Spring
A key takeaway here is that this technology is not difficult to integrate into current systems. All this data is already available in government databases. The addition of verifiable credentials allows people to better manage their own documents and have an extra layer of security and verification.
Use Case
Open Recognition: Towards a Practical Utopia: Exploring the Future of Work and Learning 2023-05-23, We Are Open Co-op, Doug Belshaw
Microcredentials are usually based upon a standard known as Open Badges. The original dream for this standard was to solve the problem that lifelong learning happens everywhere, and but isn’t always recognised.
Why new identity systems that work are needed!
IRS flagged more than 1 million tax returns for identity fraud in 2023 2023-05-17, CNBC, Greg Lacurci
[not (just) Ticketmaster’s fault] A Mexican superstar’s concert tour proves no ticketing company’s tech is a match for fans and fraud. RestofWorld - “last year, when reggaeton superstar Bad Bunny performed to a partially empty stadium in Mexico City, while thousands of ticket holders crowded outside, unable to get in”
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