Identosphere 158: Meet OWF Projects Beyond Limitations of DID:Web • Inrupt ReDefines PDS • Selective Disclosure on EBSIIP • BBS Signature Scheme IRTF Draft
You weekly guide to the latest news events and information surrounding the development and implementation of decentralized identity using verifiable credentials.
Identosphere’s Weekly Highlights
We Gather, You Read!
Still aggregating industry info: No Marketing or Sponsorship! Support by PayPal, or Patreon!
[virtual] DIF Hackathon starting now! 10/26-12/01 [$19,000 prize pool]
[London] Newspeak House & Identosphere Digital Identity Social 11/02 evening. with Kaliya Young
[virtual] An Intro to Trinsic and the BBS Signature Scheme 11/02
[Prague] IETF 118 11/04-10 lots of identity standards activity happening in this venue now - Kaliya will be attending.
[Singapore] Panel: Digital ID, Cloud, and Privacy. Victor Ocampo Co-Chair, APAC SIG DIF 11/08 Identity Week Asia
See Suprit Pradhan | Project Manager, Bhutan NDI Project Druk Holding and Investment 11/08 Identity Week Asia
[virtual] Register for our Education Cluster Event 11/08,14 Velocity Network
[EU] DIGITAL HORIZONS 360 Sponsorship Invitation. Hospitality Technology Innovation 02/20-21 Spain
[Pune, India] Blockchain Developer (Hyperledger) Job For 1-3 Year Exp Tech Alchemy
[Madrid, Spain] Software Engineer (Self-Sovereign Identity) SICPA
Event Recap
OpenWallet Foundation: Meeting OWF Projects and Community Members
The OpenWallet Foundation (OWF) had a great Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) week in mid October, starting with our first hybrid Developer Face-to-Face (F2F) on October 9. The second half of the pre-IIW event was featured by an engaging and interactive workshop facilitated by Kaliya Young and Lucy Yang to get community inputs on the following topics (and created a Miro Board):
What Code / Components / Resources / Expertise do you have and/or know that can potentially be contributed to OWF?
What capabilities / code components / expertise would be ideal to support the success of OWF that are currently missing?
Internet Identity Workshop 37 Report 2023-10-22 Phil Windley
In closing circle someone said (paraphrashing) that authentication is solved and the next frontier is authorization. I tend to agree. We should have the book of proceedings completed in about a month and you'll be able to get the details of sessions there. You can view past Books of Proceedings here.
2023 Identiverse YouTube Playlist
Verifiable Digital Credentials: Comparison and Analysis of Emerging Issuance Protocol Standards
Understanding NIST Digital Identity Guidelines: A NIST SP 800-63-4 Master Class
The Emerging Era of Digital Identities: Challenges and Opportunities for the G20 2022-08-30 ADBInstitute H/T Identity Economy
we discuss the digital identity programs of 10 countries, both members and non-members of the G20, geographically diverse with varying levels of economic prosperity, have different approaches to digital identity systems and at different stages in their design and implementation.
[Report] Brand Loyalty In the Age of the Digital Economy 2023-10-19 “SailPingRock”
When asked how familiar they were with the concept of decentralized identity, half (49%) of consumers report no familiarity with decentralized identity, suggesting a need for further education about the topic among consumers. Familiarity of the concept, prior to taking the survey, is highest among consumers in Germany (28%), France (23%) and the UK (23%).
Identity Verification: When It Comes to Gartner, Believe the Hype Incode
The Hype Cycle for Digital Identity, 2023, emphasizes innovations that facilitate secure and trusted digital interactions among people, machines, and assets based on digital representations of their physical and virtual identities, according to the report published on July 26.
Hype Cycle for Digital Identity, 2023 2023-09-22 Gartner Research
Organizational news
[OWF] Application supporting interactions between flexible assets and the grid, adopted as a new project by OpenWallet Foundation 2023-10-23 EnergyWeb
Elia Group and Energy Web began collaborating on the design of a digital identity application based on a pre-existing specification: the verifiable credential application programming interface (VC API) specification. Their software enables signed identity documents (stored on digital wallets as verifiable credentials) to be exchanged between an individual’s digital wallet and a third party
Kim Cameron Award Recipients Share Their Experiences OpenID Foundation
The Kim Cameron Award paved the way to grow my knowledge in identity space and also allowed me to connect with a community of identity professionals. And also enabled me to meet OpenID Foundation members and also get to know the different working groups in person.
SpruceID Partners with California DMV on the Mobile Driver’s License 2023-10-25 SpruceID
‘Identiful’ Digital Wallets and why you should care 2023-10-24 Digital ID NZ
alongside specifically purposed private sector wallets we may see the public sector in some jurisdictions taking a role in aspects of their development – be it interoperable open standards and code libraries or a completely built digital wallet – for its people. This demo from global thought leaders the Province of British Columbia peeks into the possible future
European Union
Education Credentials on EBSI: Cross-Border Use Case between Belgium and Italy 2023-02-01 Evrim Tan, Ellen Lerouge, Jan Du Caju, Daniël Du Seuil
The findings highlight the following as key challenges for the wider adoption of the EBSI and verification credential use case: (1) onboarding of the EBSI ecosystem governance, (2) issuance of EBSI-compliant digital wallets and data schemes for transcript validation, (3) interoperability issues concerning digital identity systems.
Selective Disclosure: An EBSI Improvement Proposal 2023-10-27 EU Commission
Right now, an EBIP on Selective Disclosure is open for public feedback. Whether you're a developer, researcher, standardisation body, node operator, EBSI Early Adopter, or a blockchain enthusiast, your insights and contributions matter.
What to do when good Verifiable Credentials go bad 2023-10-11 EU Commission
For more information on revocation and these proposed strategies, please read the full whitepaper, or read our technical specifications for all the revocation methods that have been identified as viable by EBSI
The BBS Signature Scheme 2023-10-23 CFRG
the possessor of a signature is able to generate proofs that selectively disclose subsets of the originally signed set of messages, whilst preserving the verifiable authenticity and integrity of the messages. Furthermore, these proofs are said to be zero-knowledge in nature as they do not reveal the underlying signature; instead, what they reveal is a proof of knowledge of the undisclosed signature
Moving Beyond the Limitations of did:web Markus Sabadello (Danube Tech), Alex Tweeddale (cheqd), Carsten Stöcker (Spherity GmbH), Alen Horvat (Netis)
These core issues run deep, to the point where did:web is beginning to falsely represent the true value and core purpose of DIDs, since the DIDs are not decentralised, cryptographically verifiable, tamper resistant, self-certifiable or persistently stored.
W3C DID WG: DID-Linked Resources 2023-02-21 Cheqd
Understanding DID-Linked Resources 2023-08-11 Cheqd
BLS Key Representations for JOSE and COSE updated for IETF 118 Mike Jones
Tobias Looker and I have published an updated Barreto-Lynn-Scott Elliptic Curve Key Representations for JOSE and COSE specification in preparation for IETF 118 in Prague. This one of suite of IETF and IRTF specifications, including BLS Signatures and JSON Web Proofs that are coming together to enable standards for the use of JSON-based and CBOR-based tokens utilizing zero-knowledge proofs.
CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers Draft Addressing IETF Last Call Comments 2023-10-24 Mike Jones
Added Privacy Consideration about unencrypted claims in header parameters.
Added Security Consideration about detached content.
Added Security Consideration about claims that are present both in the payload and the header of a CWT.
Changed requested IANA COSE Header Parameter assignment number from 13 to 15 due to subsequent assignments of 13 and 14.
JSON Web Proofs specifications updated in preparation for IETF 118 2023-10-22 Mike Jones
The primary updates were to align the BBS algorithm text and examples with the current CFRG BBS Signature Scheme draft.
[Japanese] [Hyperledger Aries] Try issuing and verifying LDP-VC with did:web 2023-10-07 One Tech Blog
In my work so far , I have used did:sov, which is based on the Indy Ledger, for issuers to sign AnonCreds and LDP-VC. In this article , I will share the results of trying to issue and verify LDP-VC using did:web without using Indy Ledger . (Cryptographic Suite is being tested on both Ed25519Signature2018 and BBS+ Signature (BbsBlsSignature2020).)
[video] 2023 Wallet Report Update: Emerging Trust Layer, Trust Registries & Interoperability 2023-10-19 Continuum Loop
In the live webinar, Darrell delved into key updates to the Wallet Report, focusing on the emerging trust layer, trust registries, and interoperability in digital ecosystems.
Using Open Recognition to Map Real-World Skills and Attributes 2023-10-25 We are Open CoOp
We see a need for a platform that aids individuals in identifying their skills and attributes, supported by their networks and communities. Mapping these attributes against relevant skills taxonomies can make them visible and endorsable, turning them into a form of ‘currency’ [...] We’ve come up with the following workflow (v0.1) to show how that might work technically, and below that there are wireframes showing a basic user journey.
Company Stories
Guest Blog: .zkdid 2023-10-25 Decentralized Identity Foundation
Toby came to DICE in Zurich and found his tribe!
Each address with the .zkdid extension is a unique identifier in the form of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) which is resistant to duplication. The goal is to use these identifiers to create a ZK Proof of personhood registry and NFT-gated community that is Sybil resistant. [...] This creates the basis for a secure, publicly owned/governed, decentralized, zero-knowledge Domain Name System (DNS).
IdRamp Named Microsoft Entra Verified ID Service Partner IDRamp
This prestigious appointment demonstrates IdRamp’s expertise in advisory, implementation, integration, and managed services for delivering secure and seamless solutions using Microsoft (MS) Entra Verified ID.
Verida and cheqd release mobile wallet credential solution for enterprises 2023-10-27 Verida
“The integration of Verida’s decentralised identity storage wallet with the cheqd network offers a compelling vision of ‘Not your keys, not your identity’. People’s digital selves should be in their control, and this includes being able to store their credentials outside of the control of Big Tech providers,” says Ankur Banerjee, CTO and Co-Founder at cheqd.
Verida #Wallet supports Polygon ID #VerifiableCredentials on Polygon ID mainnet 2023-10-27 Verida_io
[Audio] Standards & Entra with Pam Dingle of Microsoft 2023-10-27 Identity at the Center
They explore Pam's identity origin story and discuss Microsoft's stance on standards. The conversation takes an in-depth look at Microsoft Entra, its target audience, and its differentiation from B2C Azure AD.
Is Decentralized Identity the Missing Piece in Today’s Digital World? 2023-10-27 Impact Blockchain Conference
[Video] Building a Digital Society on Self-Sovereign Identity - Marie Wallace - Accenture 2023-10-24 OpenSlava
How Verifiable Credentials Work 2023-10-24 Veramo
Introduction to Microsoft Entra Verified ID 2023-10-23 Microsoft
Digital Management of Competencies in Web 3.0: The C-Box ® Approach 2023-09-15 Alberto Francia, Stefano Mariani, Giuseppe Adduce, Sandro Vecchiarelli, Franco Zambonelli
SSH-DAuth: secret sharing based decentralized OAuth using decentralized identifier 2023-10-26 Danda Prudhvi Krishna, R. Ramaguru, K. Praveen, M. Sethumadhavan, Kattur Soundarapandian Ravichandran, Raghunathan Krishankumar, Amir H. Gandomi
Blockchain-driven digital nomadism in the Basque e-Diaspora 2023-10-11 Igor Calzada
Community Projects AT Protocol
[Github] ATProto Feed Generator Starter Kit Bluesky Social
[dev, Japanese] AT Protocol (BlueSky Social) Specification Description ~ W3C DID Specification added ~ 2023-05-09 @gpsnmeajp(Segment)
[Inrupt, PDS] Same words, opposite meanings. Beware! 2023-10-24 Alan Mitchell
Yes. That’s right. With Inrupt’s definition, a personal data store is no longer your private, personal filing cabinet, but the organisation’s filing cabinet: “a place for organizations to merge all the data they have about an individual citizen or customer”.
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