Identosphere 178: Scalable Revocation • ISO mDL vs ISO mdoc • Parallel Signatures: DIDAS Swiss • IIW Sponsorships Available • Personal AI at VRM Day
Weekly edition of the latest Self Sovereign Identity and Verifiable Credentials news: standards, organizational updates, development, upcoming events, and thoughtful commentary from the blog-o-sphere.
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3+ years and still aggregating industry info: No Marketing, No Sponsorship, Just the top stories in the Verifiable Credentials galaxy!
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Annual Privacy Forum 2024 ENISA. Submissions due 04/15
[California] Internet Identity Workshop #38 04/16-18 [Sponsorships Still Available!]
OpenID Foundation Hybrid Workshop at Google 2024-04-15
[Berlin] Digital ID, Web3, and Metaverses EICC 06/4-7
[Portugal] Open Identity Summit 2024: Research, Experience and Innovation 06/20-21
[Switzerland] Digital Identity unConference Europe 06/18-20
[ARES Conference] International Workshop on Emerging Digital Identities Deadline 05/08 Event 07/30-08/02
Personal AI at VRM Day and IIW 2024-03-20 Doc Searls
since personal AI may finally be what pushes VRM into becoming a Real Thing, we’ll make it the focus of our next VRM Day.
Identity Management Day 2024-04-09 StaySafeOnline
Launched in 2021, the mission of Identity Management Day is to educate business leaders and IT decision makers on the importance of identity management and key components including governance, identity-centric security best practices, processes, and technology, with a special focus on the dangers of not properly securing identities and access credentials.
Use Case
[Whitepaper] Enhancing Telecom Security through Self-Sovereign Identity: A Solution to SIM Swap Fraud 2024-03-18 ATIS
As technology advances, so do the tactics of cybercriminals, necessitating innovative solutions to safeguard individuals and organizations against the dangers of SIM swap fraud. This report introduces a robust countermeasure—Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)—as a transformative approach to combat rampant SIM swap and port-out fraud. SSI not only addresses the core vulnerabilities of current identity verification systems, but it also gives users cryptographic proof of their identity and ownership of their telephone numbers
Parallel Signatures – a relevant input to the Technology Discussion 2024-03-22 DIDAS Swiss
To enhance the Swiss e-ID framework with selective disclosure while ensuring unlinkability, it’s imperative to incorporate advanced digital signature technologies such as BBS+ signatures.
SpruceID Attends Utah's Outdoor Recreation Day 2024-03-19 Spruce ID
The objective of the pilot program is to demonstrate the feasibility of verifiable digital credentials for state-issued credentials across various use cases, such as off-highway vehicle education course certificates. The pilot aims to pioneer a privacy-first digital credentialing program that empowers residents to take control of their online data and seamlessly integrate with the government’s existing infrastructure while ensuring a secure, efficient, and user-friendly experience.
Digital Europe: eIDAS enablers - Our eIDAS enablers give you access to free tools and support to help you build digital services in line with the eIDAS regulation.
[whitepaper] Impact of eIDAS revision and EU Digital Identity landscape on data spaces development 2024-01
Context of the eIDAS regulation - Market perspective - Practical steps for data spaces - Conclusions & recommendations
Standards Work
Eight Specifications Published in Preparation for IETF 119 2024-03-20 Mike Jones
Mike Jones is on a roll.
Updates to JWP, JSON Proof Algorithms, and JSON Proof Token…
Updates on Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE…
OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata updates…
COSE "typ" (type) Header Parameter updates…
Updates on Barreto-Lynn-Scott Elliptic Curve Key Representations…
Updates on Use of HPKE with JOSE aligned choices with COSE…
The Authentic Chained Data Containers (ACDC) Task Force at the Trust Over IP Foundation is pleased to request public review of the following deliverables:
DIF's work on Interoperability Profiles 2024-03-20 Decentralized Identity Foundation
These profiles specify items like
Data models and supported formats
Protocols to transfer Verifiable Credentials (VCs)
Which Decentralized Identifier (DID) methods must be supported
Supported revocation mechanism
Supported signature suites
They also specify what’s out of scope, further reducing optionality and easing implementation.
[Revocation] A privacy preserving and scalable revocation method - Linked Validity Verifiable Credential (LVVC) 2024-03-21 Procivis
What are the current revocation methods and why they are not suitable?
Accumulator based (e.g. INDY/Aries): not scalable and not mature enough
Other accumulator-based methods: not mature enough, still in research phase
List based methods (e.g. bit string status list): scalable but not privacy-preserving.
[Revocation] Privacy Preserving & Scalable Revocation is done! – Why is it so important for decentralised identities 2024-03-19 Andreas Freitag
The concept is straightforward. When a verifiable credential gets issued, a Linked Validity Verifiable Credential (LVVC) is issued alongside. The LVVC only contains a cryptographic link to the associated verifiable credential, the issuance date and the status.
The Verifier requesting a verifiable credential from the Holder requests both, the VC and the associated LVVC to enable the Verifier to check the cryptographic link between the VC and the LVVC, as well as the issuance date and status of the LVVC. If the issuance date in the LVVC fulfils the requirements of the Verifier, the associated verifiable credential is valid.
Standardization of Breeder Documents 2024-03-22 Secoia Excon
Part 1: Setting the scene. What are breeder documents, why are birth certificates especially sensitive and important breeder documents, and why it is necessary to improve the situation after having introduced highly sophisticated travel documents and border management systems.
Part 2: the standardization effort. What research led to the standardization effort and who is conducting this work. What has been defined to date with respect to technologies.
Part 3: Trustframework and Policy. The standard in development expands on a trust and policy framework. What are the elements and outlook.
[linkedin, ISO] What does the set of standards referenced by ISO mDL (digital driving licence) look like? How does it relate to the generic development of the "mdoc" by ISO? 2024-03-21 John Philips
ISO mDL (ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021), is the mobile digital driving licence standard issued and maintained by ISO - International Organization for Standardization. Adopted by many countries, states and product manufacturers, while some might seek improvements, this is currently the most mature and tested standard for digital driving licences.
[presentation] SD-JWT VC: IETF 119 Brisbane IETF
Made specific rules for public verification key validation conditional • Fine-tuned rules for obtaining public verification key • Editorial changes • Renamed JWT Issuer Metadata to JWT VC Issuer Metadata • 'iat' is now optional and allowed to be selectively disclosable • Fix inconsistency in the .well-known path construction • Added registration request to IANA for the well-known URI
NFID Foundation Launches to Establish Decentralized Identity in the Security Industry 2024-03-19 FOX 40
New Foundations appear… we know we are succeeding
They have a website & whitepaper
With a membership that includes ZKTeco, Tech5, LEGIC, PassiveBolta and many others, the organization positions as working in the wake of SSI identity standards bodies such as W3C, DIF, ToIP and the OpenWallet Foundation.
[MOSIP] Famoco and NewLogic integrate with MOSIP for biometric social welfare delivery 2024-03-19 Biometrics Update
The integration will ensure the provision of digital records and biometric authentication to verify the identities of those benefiting from aid, ensuring traceability and enhancing the management of resources. The infrastructure, the announcement indicates, relies on biometric devices equipped with an enrollment application and remotely controlled through the Famoco Mobile Device Management (MDM) platform.
[Explainer] What are Verifiable Credentials? (With Pictures!) 2024-03-19 Indicio
[Explainer] Most Popular Use Cases for Decentralized Identity 2023-09-15 101Blockchains
Identity in the Digital Era: Balancing Security, Privacy, and Authenticity 2024-03-12 shad0wpuppet
In my article, I’ll lean toward the technical side of this matter, and I won't provide one trivial answer but I’ll consider different aspects of digital identities, verifiable individuals, security, privacy, anonymity, unique digital fingerprints, and verification approaches.
[Youtube] learning to develop & deploy verifiable credentials with Frances Donegan-Ryan 2024-03-21 The Indicio Academy
Indicio's Chief People & Community Officer, Frances Donegan-Ryan, joins the latest Identity Insights to discuss how to help your teams get a jumpstart in working with decentralized identity & verifiable credentials with Indicio Academy Certifications.
Real Names & Glassdoor & Fishbowl 2024-03-22 IdentityWoman
GlassDoor a site where people who can create profiles and anonymously rate their employers over their entire careers has really screwed up. It is now collecting people’s “verified names” and storing it with their profiles indefinitely.
The Identity 25: Okta’s annual look at the top movers and shakers in the Identity world 2024-03-18 Okta
Happy 20th Birthday To “The Doughnut” 2024-03-25 Prof Bill Buchanan OBE, ASecuritySite
Clifford Cocks, James Ellis, and Malcolm Williamson at GCHQ had also proposed and had found the solution to public key encryption before the others. And, while Diffie and Hellman published their work in 1976, and Rivest, Shamir and Adleman published in 1977, the GCHQ team were working on their method at the start of the 1970s. Unfortunately, their work was not disclosed at the time due to national security issues.
Threads has entered the fediverse 2024-03-21 Engineering FB
Threads has entered the fediverse! As part of our beta experience, now available in a few countries, Threads users aged 18+ with public profiles can now choose to share their Threads posts to other ActivityPub-compliant servers.
[Research] The Mediterraneus Protocol building an SSI native decentralised ecosystem of digital services 2024-03-21 Luca Giorgino and Andrea Vesco, ARXIV
The Identity SC underpins the current design and implementation of the Mediterraneous protocol. Future work in the medium term will focus on (i) integrating the ZK VCs, based on the BBS+ signature [19], to provide users with the ability to present anonymous and selective disclosure VC for privacy preservation while limiting linkability across the ecosystem, (ii) updating the working principles of the protocol to accept VCs issued by different issuers
Web 3
[Research] A Novel Authentication Scheme Based on Verifiable Credentials Using Digital Identity in the Context of Web 3.0 Stefania Loredana Nita, Marius Iulian Mihailescu; MDPI
The results summarize the main findings, including the proposed authentication scheme’s ability to enhance user control, security, and privacy in digital interactions. Finally, the conclusions discuss the broader implications of this scheme for future online transactions and digital identity management, emphasizing the shift towards self-sovereignty and reduced reliance on centralized authorities.
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