Identosphere 184: More IIW Notes & Highlights • User Binding for Digital Credentials • VC-JOSE-COSE Candidate Recommendation • XRSelf • Decentralized Web Nodes
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Coming Up
[Brussels] EBSI Ecosystem Day 5/7 [Register]
[Wellington] NZ Government Data Summit 05/07
[London/Hybrid] MEF CONNECTS ID & DATA 05/21
[Las Vegas] Identiverse 05/28-31 (Kaliya Speaking)
[Santa Clara] PERP ‘24: 2024 USENIX Conference on Privacy Engineering Practice and Respect 06/3-4 USENIX
[Santa Clara, CA] Governing Identity, Respectfully 06/04 Wendy Seltzer, Usenix
[Berlin] Digital ID, Web3, and Metaverses EICC 06/4-7 (Kaliya is Speaking)
[Switzerland] Digital Identity unConference Europe 06/18-20 [Sponsorships Available]
[Portugal] Open Identity Summit: Research, Experience and Innovation 06/20-21
[ARES Conference] International Workshop on Emerging Digital Identities Deadline 05/08 Event 07/30-08/02
[South Africa] DID UnConf: Africa 09/25-27 registration opens soon
British Petroleum Lead Architect India - Pune
As an identity architect, you form part of the identity platforms team, building identity products.
IIW Recap
Internet Identity Workshop XXXVIII Report Phil Windley
There's always more than one session that I want to attend in any given time slot and choosing is hard. That's a common refrain. Luckily we have sessions notes that we publish in a Book of Proceedings. You can find additional photos from Doc Searls: Day 1 and Day 2.
Web Standards
“You don't have to use blockchain; we use BitTorrent” - 9 Things You Didn't Know About Decentralized Identifiers, TBD
[slides] did:tdw Open Questions 2024-04 Andrew Whitehead, Stephen Curran, Brian Richter, IIW
Correctness: the resolver must provide certain guarantees about the validity of the log and SCID derivation
Speed: the resolution process must not be as lightweight as possible while ensuring correctness
Consistency and reliability: once the log has been downloaded, the resolution outcome should ideally be predictable (except for dereferencing)
Flexibility: we should avoid putting unnecessary restrictions on DID document structure
[slides] Towards an Abstraction for Verifiable Credentials and Zero Knowledge Proofs April 2024
Our focus so far:
• Simple cred format
• Advanced features via canonical formats
• Enabling and demonstrating usecases
Introducing DIDComm 2.0 2024-04-30 Decentrailzed Identity Foundation
A lot of Verifiable Credential-based services regulate people back into the client / server model. The vision of DIDComm is to enable VCs and all sorts of other interactions that can better our lives on the internet, with browsers, email, video calls and a host of other channels.
IIW 38 KERI & ACDC Session List 2024-04-29 Kent Bull, My Digital Footprint
Holy cannoli! That’s a lot of sessions!
Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE is now a W3C Candidate Recommendation Mike Jones [specificaiton]
the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model (VCDM), which is also at Candidate Recommendation stage, has been narrowed to only use JSON-LD to represent credentials. VC-JOSE-COSE secures VCDM payloads with JOSE, SD-JWT, or COSE signatures.
[...] lots of Verifiable Credential formats to choose from, and more on the way. Choices already existing include ISO mDoc, IETF SD-JWT, IETF JSON Web Proof (JWP), and W3C VCDM. The IETF is also planning to create a CBOR-based selective disclosure representation in the newly formed SPICE working group. It will be interesting to see how these all shake out in the marketplace!
Andor Kesselman, @csuwildcat, and @kimdhamilton gave a great presentation on hashtag#DWN or Decentralized Web Nodes 2024-05-03 tang_talks
DWN is a data storage and message relay mechanism that entities can use to locate data related to a given DID. It’s kind of like a decentralized Controller in the Model-View-Controller hashtag#MVC framework. hashtag#DWN is one of the hottest and the most critical projects in Web3 presentation (start at 9min mark):
You can now update and archive SD-JWT VC templates from the dashboard, and use did:web for DIDComm invitations 2024-05-02 Timo Glastra, Paradym
Next up is using your did:web did for AnonCreds, add support for DIDComm / AnonCreds to the API (only builder at the moment), and Token Status List for SD-JWT VC revocation. What else should we add?
[LinkedIn] Next Level Sustainable Business Practices - On the Convergence of ESPR law, Degrowth, and DPPs 2024-04-31 Dr. Carsten Stöcker, Spherity
This week, the European Parliament confirmed the Ecodesign Sustainable Products Regulation (hashtag#ESPR). A significant step forward in sustainable policy, the ESPR mandates DPPs and that unsold clothing and electrical goods can no longer be destroyed
Mobile Driver’s Licenses, Other Digital Credentials Poised to Grow
State agencies make progress on digital IDs that will improve remote transactions and reduce identity fraud. But the U.S. still needs a national vision.
What Does Law Enforcement Really Think About Digital IDs?
Online age verification: balancing privacy and the protection of minors 2022-09-22 CNIL
The CNIL has analysed the main types of age verification systems in order to clarify its position on age verification on the Internet, particularly on pornographic sites for which such verification is mandatory. It specifies how such publishers could fulfil their legal obligations. However, CNIL finds that such current systems are circumventable and intrusive, and calls for the implementation of more privacy-friendly models.
eIDAS2: A Gamechanger for Global Digital Identity – Implications and Opportunities 2024-05-02 KuppingerCole
As eIDAS2 prepares to go live, its implications extend far beyond the borders of the European Union, setting a new global standard for digital identity management. Organizations worldwide need to understand and prepare for these changes, ensuring they can operate effectively in a new era of digital identity. The 2024 European Identity and Cloud Conference (EIC) provides a unique opportunity to gain insights, share knowledge, and prepare for the future of digital identity, where security, privacy, and user control are at the forefront of digital transactions.
EU Digital Identity Wallets (eIDAS 2) Status and way forward 2024-04-18 Kristina Yasuda, Paul Bastian, Torsten Lodderstedt; IIW
[German EUDIW] Architecture Proposal V2 2024-04-11 SPRIN-D
Goal of the German Architecture Project
➔ Propose a concept for implementing the EUDI Wallet in Germany
➔ Identify the best architecture and operating model
➔ Conduct a public consultation process (with industry, public bodies, civil society, international partners, ...)
➔ Ensure EU-wide interoperability
➔ Ensure the EUDI Wallet in Germany meets the requirements of the use cases
Use Cases
[YouTube] Better Interoperability and Security for IoT Through DIDComm with Colton Wolkins 2024-04-25 Indicio
Indicio Senior Software Engineer Colton Wolkins joins Identity Insights to discuss recent breakthroughs in connecting to IoT devices through DIDComm. He breaks down why you would want to use DIDComm for IoT, how it works, and offers a quick demonstration of the technology in action.
DIF Guest blog: Cole Davis 2024-04-30 Decentralized Identity Foundation
The music publishing side gets very complex. Often songs are written by multiple songwriters who are “signed” to different music publishers, meaning multiple publishers co-own the copyright. [...] There’s no central record of ownership or administration rights. Instead, you have many third-party databases that have built up over time, all doing relatively the same thing and that are divorced from the legal contracts that actually govern copyright ownership and administration rights. [Video]
Velocity: The Next Gen Public Infrastructure for Workforce Credential Verification 2024-04-28 Velocity Network Foundation
Dror Gurevich, our CEO has joined Trevor Schachner at SHRM for an exciting episode of SHRM’s WorkplaceTech Spotlight, a SHRM podcast shining a light on the best future of work ideas and innovators. Dror and Trevor delved into the vast potential of Velocity Network as the next-generation public infrastructure for verifying workforce credentials.
Making Your "XRSelf" Yours in the Metaverse
To operate with a decentralized model of digital identities, the XR platforms would need to work together to develop the identity system, defining the standards that will apply and determining how the system will adapt to future technological changes. However, groups of volunteers set technical standards, and given the extensive time commitment involved in such work, standards risk being shaped by larger companies’ self-interest.
[slides, explainer] Trust over IP Intro Deck 2024-04-16 TOIP, IIW38
Company Stories
MicroStrategy Enters Decentralized Identity Arena with Bitcoin-powered Protocol 2024-05-02 Beincrypto
Based on the information on their “unofficial draft” on Github, the technological foundation of Orange is based on Bitcoin’s inscription. Orange embeds DID information directly on the blockchain, unlike other DID methods that rely on external data sources or additional dependencies. This method secures data permanence and integrity while enhancing the digital identities’ overall functionality and forward compatibility.
Affinidi aims to create a unified, holistic view of our digital identities, enabling new ways to leverage our data through a concept known as Holistic Identity.
[presentation] Simple SSI: attractive, intuitive, and easier-to-use SSI code for developers Future Forge, IIW
simple-cesr is a simple, limited, true-to-spec implementation of Composable Event Streaming Representation NPM [github]
[slides] User Binding for Digital Credentials 2024-04-16 Paul Bastian, IIW 38
New Social
[twitter] Ah, really nice overview diagram of the bluesky/atproto architecture & data flow 2024-04-24 johnspurlock
Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network (Real-World Engineering Challenges) 2024-04-23 Pragmatic Engineer
Today, we dive into how Bluesky is built, sitting down with its two founding engineers: Daniel Holmgren and Paul Frazee. They take us through: Development timeline … Experimentation phase … v1 architecture … v2 architecture … Scaling the database layer … Infra stack: from AWS to on-prem … Reality of building a social network.
World Coin saga continues
Argentines are recruiting friends, strangers into Worldcoin’s cash-for-eyeballs scheme
“No one told me what they’ll do with my eye,” de León, 57, told Rest of World. “But I did this out of need.”
De León, who lives off the $95 pension she receives from the state, had been desperate for money. Persuaded by her nephew, she agreed to have one of her irises scanned by Worldcoin, Sam Altman’s blockchain project. In exchange, she received nearly $50 worth of WLD, the company’s cryptocurrency.
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