Identosphere 190: Polygon launches Privado • Bhutan Wins EIC Award • EBSI Ecosystem Day • On the Internet nobody knows your a Toaster
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Coming Up
Can You Buy Booze with a JSON Web Token? 6/20 Rizel Scarlett CascadiaJS
[Portugal] Open Identity Summit: Research, Experience and Innovation 06/20-21
[ARES Conference] International Workshop on Emerging Digital Identities Event 07/30-08/02
[California] DWebCamp 08/07-10
[South Africa] DID UnConf: Africa *an IIW Inspired Regional Event 09/25-27 REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!!
[California] Internet Identity Workshop #39 10/29-31
[EU/US] SSI in legislation 2024-06-06
The Department of Homeland Security in the USA is not the only advocate of SSI technologies and is promoting their introduction in the United States. Corresponding initiatives and legislative processes are also in full swing right on our own doorstep. According to the current planning horizon, the requirements for relevant E-ID concepts based on SSI should become binding in both the countries of the European Union and Switzerland by 2026 at the latest.
[also USA] ‘Encryption is deeply threatening to power’: Meredith Whittaker of messaging app Signal 2024-06-18 Alex Hern, Dan Milmo;
“I don’t think these arguments are in good faith. There’s a deeper tension here, because in 20 years of the development of this metastatic tech industry, we have seen every aspect of our lives become subject to mass surveillance perpetrated by a handful of companies partnering with the US government and other ‘Five Eyes’ agencies to gather more surveillance data about us than has ever been available to any entity in human history.
Bhutan Wins EIC Award
NDI earns prestigious EIC Award for Innovation 2024-06-10
Bhutan’s success story with NDI holds valuable lessons for other countries embarking on their own digital transformation journeys. The nation’s dedication to citizen-centric solutions and its commitment to leveraging technology for social good offer a blueprint for building a more prosperous and inclusive digital future.
Bhutan NDI wins decentralised ID award 2024-06-08 Bhutan'S Daily Newspaper;
The Bhutan National Digital Identity (NDI) received the “Special Award for Decentralised ID in Practice” at the KuppingerCole Honores 2024 European Identity and Cloud Awards in Berlin, Germany, on June 4, 2024.
This is the second award for Bhutan NDI in just five months. On February, 28, 2024, Bhutan NDI won an award for the best innovation in the ‘Identity and Data’ category for Innovation in Identity and Data at the Mobile Ecosystem Forum or MEF Summit 2024 at Barcelona, Spain.
Decentralized identity takes center stage at EIC 2024-06-10 www.Biometric Update
Nat Sakimura views decentralization not as an end but a means to societal happiness, while Markus Sabadello emphasizes the need for technology to reflect values. They agree on the importance of user-centric DIDs. Ping Identity’s David Luna and others discuss the adoption of DIDs in government and financial services, focusing on the need to manage identities rather than users, and the potential for digital transformation to create value based on reputation. Finally, a case study on Japan-Australia cross-border identity cooperation is mentioned, highlighting the importance of global interoperability and reusable identities, particularly for frequent travelers.
Standards History
I was honored to give the keynote presentation Standards are About Making Choices at the 2024 European Identity and Cloud Conference 2024-06-09 Mike Jones;
(PowerPoint) (PDF) In this talk, I’ll name names and take prisoners, critiquing existing and emerging standards through the lens of the choices they made and failed to make. Hold on to your hats as we examine the pros and cons of the choices made by OAuth, SAML, X.509, OpenID Connect, Verifiable Credentials, DIDs, WebCrypto, JOSE, COSE, and many others through this lens!
Celebrating Ten Years of OpenID Connect at Identiverse and EIC – Mike Jones: self-issued 2024-06-11 Mike Jones;
At both Identiverse and EIC, panelists included Nat Sakimura, John Bradley, and myself. Chuck Mortimore joined us at Identiverse. And Torsten Lodderstedt added his perspectives at EIC. We shared our perspectives on what led to OpenID Connect, why it succeeded, and what lessons we learned along the way.
The most common refrain throughout our descriptions was the design philosophy to “Keep simple things simple”. This was followed closely by the importance of early feedback from developers and deployers.
[tweet] Has anyone done a DIDComm based Wordpress login module? 2024-06-16 Darrell O'Donnell
Failing that, an OAuth implementation with DIDs and/or VCs?
[howto] Empowering Blockchain Wallets with Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials 2024-06-10 Asutosh Mourya;
Implementing DID in your wallet app will require setting up the infra to create, resolve, and manage DIDs. This includes establishing a DID registry on the blockchain. The registry is a decentralised directory holding DID documents with public keys and service endpoints used for identity verification.
Company News
ZKTeco USA, Credence ID Collaborate on mDL Infrastructure 2024-06-11 Alex Perala,
The companies say that they are aiming to bring mDL support to all of ZKTeco USA’s visitor management systems by the end of this year—an ambitious aim, but one that tracks with the rapid emergence of mDLs in the U.S.
ZKTeco is already well known for its pioneering efforts in emerging technologies, having established itself as a leading provider of biometric access solutions that CEO Manish Dalal has highlighted for FindBiometrics at high-profile industry conferences in recent years.
Polygon ID becomes Privado
Polygon Labs Launches Privado ID: A New Era of Self-Sovereign Identity - Crypto Economy 2024-06-13 José Gutiérrez;
Under the leadership of CEO David Schwartz and COO Antoni Martin, Privado ID aims to revolutionize interactions in digital spaces, with plans to support non-EVM chains and create interoperable solutions across industries.
Privado ID spinoff takes identity control solution beyond Polygon 2024-06-13 Derek Andersen;
Privado ID has uses such as proving humanity and uniqueness, thus complicating Sybil attacks, implementing airdrops and other incentives, trading on decentralized exchanges, and fulfilling compliance procedures like proof of age or Know Your Customer. It can also be used in traditional finance for the transfer of securities, intellectual property, land titles and similar tokenized assets.
Privado ID spins off from Polygon Labs to target $101B digital identity market 2024-06-13
Additionally, Privado ID has partnered with several major finance-related firms on proof-of-concept (PoC) projects to create a compliant and interoperable identity framework. These PoCs utilize Privado ID’s verifiable credentials (VCs) for permissioned financial transactions, engaging only eligible participants in DeFi activities. The VCs can also be used for proof-of-personhood, qualifications, legal status, and other identity-based services.
Some Tweets
[tweet, memevertising] Stay up to date on the latest DigitalIdentity and DigitalMoney news by subscribing to my column on Forbes 2024-06-13 David Birch
[tweet, dweb] It's unfortunate Nostr is effectively a floodsub protocol w/ high centralization pressure where you need to broadcast to N relays 2024-06-15 csuwildcat
instead of just resolving a decentralized identifier through a truly decentralized PKI system and routing precisely to the user to snag any data required data for a payment
Australia and Japan showcase cross-border verifiable credentials | Biometric Update 2024-06-14
“For the last six months, what we’ve been looking to do as a working group is to explore the technical, the legal and the commercial possibilities to actually put a trust framework and a technical interchange in between Australia and Japan,” says Katryna Dow, CEO and founder of Meeco.
EBSI Ecosystem Day
[slides] Verifiable Digital Ferry Travel Experience via EBSI 2024-05-07 EBSI Ecosystem Day
CFF in collaboration with UAegean and EWC project are dedicated to disrupting ferry travel status by enhancing the passenger experience:
1. Verify passenger’s identities online, during booking of ferry tickets
2. Provide convenient storage of boarding passes
3. Enable the instant verification of boarding passes together with identities during embarkation
[tweet] Danube Tech, Cheqd, NETIS Group, & Soverio have been selected for the 2nd cohort of the @EuropeanSandbox! 2024-06-18 Danube Tech
We're developing a ledger-agnostic approach for managing trust registries & verifiable accreditations on DLT, enabling a Qualified Electronic Ledger under eIDAS2!
[slides] Public Administrations Interoperability 2024-04-30 European Commission
Helping citizens access public services at regional and national levels by establishing interoperability for public administration-issued citizen credentials.
[slides] University Alliances - W3bsi, Trust reimagined 2024-05-07 EBSI Ecosystem Day
[slides] ‘Educational ID’ is new type of ‘Attestation’ 2024-05-07 EBSI Ecosystem Day
To issue the new attestation called ‘Educational ID’, the student’s identity is verified by University at first instance. The ‘Educational ID’ replaces physical ‘Student ID’ card with new concept of digital ‘Verifiable Credential’ issued by University using Europe wide Trusted Framework - EBSI.
[slides] Formal Accreditation and Recognition 2024-05-07 EBSI Ecosystem Day
Vocational Education and Training 2024-05-07 EBSI Ecosystem Day
Assisting European citizens in the acceptance and recognition of certifications for vocational education and training across Europe.