Identosphere 73 • Connecting SSI Ecosystems • OSINT goes viral in Ukraine • Declaration of Digital Rights Critique
Weekly review of upcoming events, company news, organizational updates, developments in standards and specifications, wallet reviews, and deep thoughts around everything related.
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Coming up
Blockchain Africa Conference Online 3/17-18
BlockchainZA on Twitter: @lohanspies, Founder & CEO of @didxyz & Chair of Sovrin Steward Council at @SovrinID, is moderating the panel discussion, 'The Value of #SelfSovereignIdentity #SSI to Organisations & Citizens in a #SouthAfrican Context' on Day 1 of #BAC2022!
Mitigating Harms in Web3 4/1 Planetwork
Internet Identity Workshop 4/26-28, Mountain View, California
New: DIDcomm Users Group every other Wednesday
BNI Champions chapter meeting Thursdays
The Decentralized Identity Schelling Point Sarah Baldeo
Back to the Schelling Point - communication requires a common language and understanding. As governments, banks, hospitals, etc. navigate how best to homogenize authenticating user identities in multiple contexts, solutions will depend on user adoption. Maximizing adoption requires avoiding a Schelling point by creating a shared, accessible, and evolving Decentralized Identity Lexicon.
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Explained Animo
In this video, we explain how third parties get to see a lot of personal information about you that they don't really need. Whether it is your local supermarket or your new job, you're often sharing a lot of data when all they really need is a very simple yes or no answer.
Self Sovereign Identity Explainer DIDAS
With this presentation we start the Self-Sovereign Identity journey for all Swiss people.
We look forward to exploring further relevant topics with you in the near future!
Privacy, Authenticity, and Confidentiality Phil Windely
Authenticity allows parties to a conversation to know to whom they are talking. Confidentiality ensures that the content of the conversation is protected from others. These three create a tradespace because you can't achieve all three at the same time.
Verifiable Credentials explained Smart Degrees
Verifiable Credentials, its infrastructure (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, EBSI), and the vast opportunities that it currently provides, through a user’s journey (“Eva’s trip”).
Impacts from a new reality drive the need for an enhanced digital identity framework Bank Automation News
Consumers will benefit in instances such as loan processing (with accompanying credit check verification) or when establishing a new bank account or a new internet contract (with identity and residency manual verification).
Service providers may benefit, as they will be able to minimize fraudulent account creation and simultaneously protect both parties from phishing attacks.
International Womens Day with Kaliya
Kaliya ‘Identity Woman’ Young Jolocom
co-founding the Internet Identity Workshop in 2005, Kaliya committed her life to the development of an open standards-based layer of the internet.
We are happy to talk with her about International Women’s Day.
The European Declaration on Digital Rights puts people in the firing line of the digital transformation Jaap-Henk Hoepman
By focusing on the risk to individual citizens, the Declaration complete ignores the systemic risks introduced by the digital transformation (and in general the reliance on so called programmable infrastructures, as expressed by Seda Gürses and Martha Poon among others).
Dividing the Movement w. Alison McDowell (Separating Signal from Noise) Doom&GloomHQ
(editorial comment by Kaliya) Last week we included an article by Alison McDowell and Kaliya had an interaction with her on twitter - that is actually referenced several times in this video. This lays out the dots that members of the public are putting together to weave a pretty depressing narrative about what is going on. However we should be cognizant this is happening as an industry and really think about how industry organizations communicate clearly with the public about our technology.
Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets White House - President Biden
We must promote access to safe and affordable financial services. Many Americans are underbanked and the costs of cross-border money transfers and payments are high. The United States has a strong interest in promoting responsible innovation that expands equitable access to financial services, particularly for those Americans underserved by the traditional banking system, including by making investments and domestic and cross-border funds transfers and payments cheaper, faster, and safer, and by promoting greater and more cost-efficient access to financial products and services. The United States also has an interest in ensuring that the benefits of financial innovation are enjoyed equitably by all Americans and that any disparate impacts of financial innovation are mitigated.
Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework State of Identity
Do you trust technology and government to protect your data? On this week's State of Identity podcast, host, Cameron D'Ambrosi is joined by Gareth Narinesingh, Head of Digital Identity at HooYu to discuss the bridge between payments and identity wallets, the UK's next big push in adopting shared identity standards, and the foundation of decentralized identity verification across Web3 applications and the metaverse.
Kaliya asks:
Why aren’t “we” the decentralized identity community actually being stratigic and going to conferences like BIO-key Sponsors Security Panel at New York Counties Conference, National Association of Counties Conference, the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) Legislative Conference or writing guides like this - Cyber Security Primer for Local Government Leaders.
Standards Development
Two new COSE- and JOSE-related Internet Drafts with Tobias Looker Mike Jones
This week, Tobias Looker and I submitted two individual Internet Drafts for consideration by the COSE working group.
The Missing Network Layer Model Findy
Epic Post
You might think that I have lost my mind. We have just reported that our Indy SDK based DID agency is AIP 1.0 compatible, and everything is wonderful. What’s going on?
LAYER 1 Utilities: An Underground Network Connecting All SSI Ecosystems Trust over IP
Please mind the gap between the DID and the DID Document! Just like the London Underground, Layer 1 Utilities are a collection of connected rails and overlapping networks, on top of which SSI ecosystems are developed. The ToIP Utility Foundry Working Group (UFWG) are mapping out how they overlap, intersect and differentiate from each other.
Amateur open-source researchers went viral unpacking the war in Ukraine Rest of World
According to analysts, OSINT researchers have existed on the fringes of conflicts since at least 2014, working collaboratively across the world to comb through freely available resources like Google Maps and the satellite imagery service Maxar Technologies. They publicly conduct the type of work that intelligence agencies do behind closed doors.
The frog of war Doc Searls
People have changed, because more and more of them are digital now, connected to anybody and anything at any distance, and able to talk, produce “content” and do business—or at least to look and think past national and territorial boundaries. We make our tools and then our tools make us, McLuhan taught. Also, all media work us over completely. We have been remade into digital beings by our wires, waves, and phones. This raises our optionalities in too many ways to list.
Ukraine: Why centralized Identity systems can cause a problem Andreas Freitag
Let's imagine a country that has a modern digital identity infrastructure. Citizens can use it to identify themselves online and offline, communicate with authorities online, they can quickly log into private services and websites and any documents can be created and digitally signed.
Trinsic Launches Identity For Good in Response to Ukraine Crisis
Trinsic is partnering with companies building ID products for underserved populations. Through Identity for Good (ID4G), participating partners will receive access to Trinsic’s state-of-the-art infrastructure, enabling them to build their ID products quickly, safely, and compliantly
Collective sensemaking and channels for impact, Strengthening the MyData brand, Renovating the infrastructure of MyData Global, and Changes in the staff and leadership team.
Audience Ikigai [reason for being] We are Open CoOp
could be useful for thinking about credential adoption profiles
The complexity surrounding any global audience can’t be understated, really. I mean, we’re talking about millions of people. GPI communications have to take into account that many are coming to Greenpeace for the first time, while others know the organization well. The audience is diverse. From young to old, every color and creed, a massive spectrum of people who are interested in the mission to “ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.”
Yet more Identity Associations: Accountable Digital Identity (ADI)
Informed by standards bodies including the FIDO Alliance, the World Wide Web Consortium, and the Decentralized Identity Foundation, the ADI Specification was designed to help companies detect fraud using verified identity solutions while ensuring that informed consent is collected and user privacy is protected. - quote from this article
Web 3
Self Sovereign Identity and Web3: From the metaverse to real life Talao
SSI verifiable credentials are like non-fungible token attached to decentralized identifiers (DID)
What Do NFTs Do Well? Indicio
NFTs are technologically interesting as a way of proving ownership and facilitating value transfer; but they are problematic if applied to proving a person’s identity.
SoulBound NFTs…by Vitalik
A soulbound item, once picked up, cannot be transferred or sold to another player.
Most very powerful items in the game are soulbound, and typically require completing a complicated quest or killing a very powerful monster, usually with the help of anywhere from four to thirty nine other players.
Web3: Self-Sovereign Authority and Self-Certifying Protocols Windley
When we dine at a restaurant in the physical world, we do not do so within some administrative system. Rather, as embodied agents, we operationalize our relationships by acting for ourselves. Web3, if built correctly, can help people to act as full-fledged participants in the digital realm.
Personal Privacy
Google Sued for Misleading Users Over Location Data Privacy Anonyme
“Google falsely led consumers to believe that changing their account and device settings would allow customers to protect their privacy and control what personal data the company could access. The truth is that contrary to Google’s representations it continues to systematically surveil customers and profit from customer data.”
Identity is evolving — but the battle for privacy has only just begun Avast
we at Avast believe that a digital smart agent, in the form of a service/app for people, is the way to achieve user centric digital interactions, and that this digital smart agent that is interoperable across the globe, with strong public-private sector collaboration/partnership.
New app in the Erase my Data space: Revoke
Revoke allows you to send requests to retrieve and/or delete your data.
Each company has 30 days to respond under the GDPR.
Revoke gives you full visibility and control of what to do with that information.
Easy to use app helps you discover who hold yours personal information.
Validated ID's journey to becoming EBSI compliant
[Wallet Conformance Tests] are designed to demonstrate that the wallet provider can onboard users safely, receive verifiable credentials from a trusted issuer, and present verifiable credentials to a verifier. All of these, using of course EBSI infrastructure.
Custodial vs Non-custodial Wallets Affinidi
Company news
Indicio’s Associateships: A starting point for the next generation of professionals
Learning new skills in a new industry and technology is always good for growth, both personally and professionally. It’s particularly important for those in college to be able dip their toes into different worlds off campus and get a sense of the kind of work they want—or don’t want—to pursue in life.
Use Case
SportChain: a Decentralized Trust and Reputation Service for the Sports Industry ValidatedID
Do you know the story of Carlos Kaiser? He was a professional Brazilian football player that never played a single match but managed to still have a professional football career. He wanted the lifestyle without having to do the work.
Why self-sovereign identity will get adopted (and it’s not the reason you probably want) Tuesday Night
In the payment card world, there are clear guidelines on personal liability. $50 if you use credit and up to $500 for debit depending on when you report the issue. Based on that, different people choose to use different “systems.”
However, no such guidelines exist for the use of identity information (e.g. attributes.)
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