Identosphere 80 • Bluesky's Self-Authenticating Social Protocol • Ceramic's capability-based data security • Affinidi's Decentralised Identity Landscape
A weekly publication following the leading news in decentralized identity standardization, governance, education and development.
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IIW Special Edition
Too many impactful stories this week to cover IIW, also. For our Patreon subscribers, we’ll come out with a special IIW edition of Identosphere in the coming weeks.
Coming up
MEF CONNECTS Personal Data & Identity 5/10-11 Mobile Ecosystem Forum (Kaliya will be there both days)
European Identity & Cloud Conference celebrates its 15th edition Berlin - 5/10-13 (Kaliya will be there 12-13)
Kaliya thinking of hosting a social conversation in London likely on May 17th at NewsSpeak House - to express interest use this eventbrite form.
Travel & Hospitality Biometrics Online Summit FindBiometrics 5/28 (register)
ID4Africa Marrakesh, Morocco 6/15-16 (Kaliya will be there in advance of the conference starting June 11 through the 17th)
Kaliya hosting a meetup in the Netherlands on June 18th details TBD - reach out if you want to help her organize it.
Identiverse in Denver June 21-24, 2022 (Kaliya is talking there)
Thoughtful Biometrics Workshop - Mid July virtual several days over 2 weeks.
Decentralized Web Camp August 24-28 in Northern California (Kaliya will be attending and encourages SSI folks to participate)
Internet Identity Workshop #35 November 14-16, Mountain View California
Company News
A Self-Authenticating Social Protocol Bluesky
In law, a “self-authenticating” document requires no extrinsic evidence of authenticity. In computer science, an “authenticated data structure” can have its operations independently verifiable. When resources in a network can attest to their own authenticity, then that data is inherently live – that is, canonical and transactable – no matter where it is located.
with Ethereum to Your Auth0-Powered Application Spruce
In our pursuit of best serving web2 and web3 organizations, we've partnered with Auth0 to offer a Sign-In with Ethereum option in their marketplace.
How the convergence of SSI and AI can give people back control over their identity FUJITSU BLOG
As for the near future, Fujitsu envisions enhancing the distributed identity, data privacy, and consent management platform, which would open up all of the benefits described in this article on an as-a-Service basis to any player.
Beta Test of the First W3C Compliant Credentials Management App Dock
Dock’s Wallet App will allow users to store and manage their verifiable credentials from their mobile devices.
Bonifii and Entersekt Announce New Context-Aware Authentication Solution for Credit Unions
Bonifii and Entersekt today announced a new partnership bringing context-aware authentication technology to credit unions through MemberPass Express, powered by Entersekt. MemberPass is the first KYC-compliant member-controlled digital identity issued by credit union cooperatives.
How to Create a Trusted Digital World Indicio Tech
We’ve completed what we set out to do two years ago: finish the technology’s foundation and create a full, open source ecosystem around it.
Building capability-based data security for Ceramic
The 3Box Labs team recently published a new standard for creating capability containers for accessing decentralized data to the Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance. Capability containers are an approach for managing advanced data security and permissions, commonly referred to as “Object Capabilities” or “OCAPs.”
2022 OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award Recipients Announced
This was the first IIW without Kim Cameron. This was a very fitting announcement.
The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce the first cohort of awardees for inaugural launch of the Kim Cameron Award Program.
Digital Technologies Forum now includes the Lissi demo <- in german
Digital Technologies Forum is a networking platform and exhibition space for selected research projects and innovations in the field of digital technologies from Germany.
Women in Identity Dr. Angelika Steinacker
Silvia is a WID member since 2018 and started her career as an Identity engineer. Her topic will be the misbehavior of your digital twin and what you can do if your digital twin misbehaves.
Use Cases
Survey: How Do You Use Your Identity at Work? FindBiometrics
The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly shifted the way we work, coinciding with digital transformation trends that depend on strong identity assurance. Hybrid workplaces are more common, as is completely remote work
Demystifying Data Trusts as DAOs in the Data Economy Ocean Protocol
Kelsie Nabben, Researcher, RMIT on Data Trusts, DAOs and use cases of the Data Economy in DAOs [...] Kelsie is interested in the human outcomes of digital infrastructure, blockchain community culture, and algorithmic governance.
Case study: Gravity digital ID solution enables vulnerable migrants in Kenya to receive consistent healthcare services Shiyao Zhang
Since 2019, Gravity has been providing decentralized identity solutions for the Dignified Identities for Cash assistance project (DIGID). The first phase was implemented by KRCS to meet the needs of the vulnerable populations without official IDs
Coinfirm Adds Close To 1 Million Tokens To AML Platform, Offering Full Coverage
offering total digital asset coverage of 17 blockchains. Now, the company’s industry-recognized blockchain agnostic AML Platform supports ~846 thousand cryptocurrencies and tokens.
Trust but Verify Liminal Podcasts
Peter Padd, Co-Founder & CEO at Fortifyedge shares how he's built Zero Trust authentication software that provides IoT device OEM's with password-free authentication utilizing Tiny Machine Learning at the edge.
Crafting a “no-bs” SSI platform Aditya Santhanarn
Let’s look at a few pointers that I believe make it hard for the web3 protocols to work for businesses and users in general
Digital Wallet Systems: What is true decentralization ? Thrivacy
True decentralization in the digital world means that once verified, your PII is on your phone and under your control. The data doesn’t live anywhere else.
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) & Atala PRISM with Allison Fromm Cardano Catalyst Women
0:04:14 Problems with Digital Identity
0:08:38 Solution: Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)
0:15:55 Getting Started with SSI: A Catalyst Proposal
Unwrapping the Decentralised Identity Landscape Affinidi
Identities Evolve: Why Federated Identity is Easier Said than Done Steve Lockstep
Why does digital identity turn out to be such a hard problem? People are social animals with deep seated intuitions and conventions around identity, but exercising our identities online has been hugely problematic.
Trust Registry or Machine-Readable Governance? Indicio Tech
The world will move towards decentralized identity if we make it easy for them to do so—and easy means, above all, fast. The solution is machine readable governance—a smart way of implementing rules for how to manage trust.
Public Sector
Building a Swiss Digital Trust Ecosystem – Perspectives around an e-ID ecosystem in Switzerland DigitalSwitzerland
An initial contribution to the ongoing meta-level debate about the development of the e-ID ecosystem in Switzerland.
Perspectives around building an e-ID ecosystem in Switzerland DigitalSwitzerland
The transition to an ecosystem of digital credentials, initiated by the federal government’s directional decision, is a generational project that requires input from – and collaboration between – government, the private sector, academia, and civil society.
The White House’s Future of the Internet is Available Today Indicio Tech
The Biden administration, in coordination with 60 other countries, on Thursday unveiled a “Declaration for the Future of the Internet” that “reclaims the promise of the Internet in the face of the global opportunities and challenges presented by the 21st century.”
Educational Use Cases
Education pilot Kraken
This pilot allows university students to trade their academic records in a privacy-preserving way, and recruitment agencies to acquire this data and process it, keeping the student's privacy intact.
Sandeep Shukla · Professor, Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Linkedin
IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) had their convocation today and they issued more than 60000 degrees and certificates as Self-Sovereign Identity document (Cryptographically verifiable Credential) on National Blockchain Project and CRUBN's SSI blockchain.
@AnastasiaU · Apr 25
Animo (@AnimoSolutions) is DID/VC provider working on systems and infrastructure for SSI. They built this Aries CLI so you can play around and create invitations, schemas, and credentials.
@mfosterio · Apr 29 Twitter
I created a DID at
did:key:z6MkfxFPD3vwny367HZVQoqUnKatH4RTHEitcbEdvxst3nZm#z6MkfxFPD3vwny367HZVQoqUnKatH4RTHEitcbEdvxst3nZm DIDs are important in Self Sovereign Identity. You can learn about DIDs @bluesky_commons
Web 3
Identity and authentication in the metaverse VentureBeat
“The interest of the individual in privacy may not be aligned with their interest in the metaverse provider,” Casey explained. “We have plenty of history of this through current social media. It’s not obvious how these misaligned, structural interests will yield much different results in the metaverse.”
Open-Source Ideas Reports Global Blockchain Business Council
The Future of Urban Living Part II: The City of The Hague, Netherlands April 2022 with Odyssey and The Hague
From Financial Services to Blockchain and Crypto: How Executives Are Making the Switch February 2022 with Heidrick & Struggles
@AnastasiaU · Apr 25
We can’t fit this entire EPIC 63 tweet thread, here. Recommend to check it out!
Here's an A-Z list of every startup or company I could find building the [blockchain] crypto privacy & identity ecosystem. Why privacy AND identity? Cuz we can't make real progress on privacy unless we also rearchitect toward user-centric identity -- fight me!
This is how GATACA achieves blockchain interoperability
blockchain agnosticism is possible due to our DID registry component: all incoming activity is delegated to the DID registry with specific connections to each blockchain so that the rest of our technology components do not have to participate in the process.
DFS Guidance: Blockchain Analytics For Effective Crypto Compliance Elliptic
Blockchain analytics solutions have been a critical part of enabling the crypto industry to combat financial crime since Elliptic produced the first such capabilities in 2014
5 Reasons Why Our NFMe ID is a Game Changer • Itheum
When “leased out”, the other party can access your personal data — in this manner, the NFMe ID acts as an “authorization key” that allows third parties to use your data in a fair way to generate a shared value between the third party and the owner of the data.
Pairwise Trust: A New Blockchain-Based Identification Solution for Web3 Infrastructures Sovereign Wallet
“Pairwise Trust” now available on MetaMUI SSID In the ever-evolving digital society, one of the most important thing is to control one’s digital identity and digital property.
Key Revocation in Self-Certifying Protocols Ceramic
In Web3 protocols cryptographic keys are used for encryption and signature verification. Typically a key is split into a public and a private key and because private keys are hard to keep secure, it is considered good practice to change keys over time.
OpSci Identity Registry Open Science DAO
Link your web accounts, verify your academic credentials and interact with DeSci dApps using the Holonym Protocol
Pairwise Trust: A New Blockchain-Based Identification Solution for Web3 Infrastructures Sovereign Wallet
In MetaMUI, users can create their own DID by submitting their personal information(KYC) to one of the Sidechain Operators, and the operator will decide whether approving or denying the request depending on the status of the submitted data. Once the request is approved, the user’s personal data get hashed, and the hashed data is safely stored in the user’s device.
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