Identosphere 96 • Common Digital Identification Project • SSI for DAO • UNECE UN/CEFACT Verifiable Credentials for Cross-Border Trade
Latest stories, upcoming events, research, reports, blog posts and other stories surrounding decentralized identity, internet standards development and data privacy
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Decentralized Web Camp 8/24-28 in Northern California (Kaliya’s attending & encouraging SSI folks to participate)
DIDComm V 2: Implications on the future of the internet 8/30
The Next Era of Trust and Data Exchange 9/1-2 Martin Donevski, Tim Schlagenhaufer (DIF member Bosch discusses their SSI implementation)
Hyperledger Global Forum 9/12-14 - Open Source Summit Europe Linux Foundation, Dublin Ireland 9/13-16 - Trust Over IP Summit (co-located with Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit Europe) Dublin, Ireland 9/14
Identity Week USA (formerly Connect:ID) Washington DC 10/4-5
Infrachain Summit 10/4 - The Summit is about real business – not the next hype. The event is centered on operational use cases in the world of 3rd party distributed trust.
Internet Identity Workshop #35 11/14-16, Mountain View CA
Decentralized identity: What it is, why it matters SC Magazine
Whitepaper – Innovating Identity and Access Management with Decentralized Identity Anonyme (of MySudo)
Verifiable Credentials – how does it work? Understanding key VC principles Ubisecure
Identity Insights - Basics of Verifiable Credentials Indicio, Youtube
Why plastic cards are a model for verifiable credentials as a service Lockstep
A competitive market of card personalisation bureaus, providing custom production, magnetic stripe encoding, and card distribution and activation, all in commercial bundles which can be purchased by government agencies, banks, professional associations, universities, driver licence bureaus, and so on.
Levels of information architecture reb00ted
I kind of think of it as “the structure behind the design”. If design is the what you see when looking at something, information architecture are the beams and struts and foundations etc that keeps the whole thing standing and comprehensible.
Use Case
How DID and SSI will Transform the Travel Experience Market Phocuswire
Over time the evolution of DID/SSI is likely to be a travel industry game-changer, enabling travelers to manage their own personal information to maximize personal economic effect and protect personal privacy.
The DID/SSI effort is already gaining a foothold in the banking and medical industries. Like travel, these are sectors that need to engage with consumers of all types en masse while requiring proof of identity prior to the certified exchange of digital documents.
Supply Chain
Identity in the Supply Chain - Vienna Digital Identity #30 Vienna Digital Identity, VIMEO
GS1 is the global association for supply chain identifiers with members across all industry sectors and interacting (unbeknownst) with general consumer on a daily basis. Transmute a foundational member of the DID/VC community and a participant in the US DHS Silicon Valley Innovation Program’s cross-border shipping use case.
eDATA Verifiable Credentials for Cross Border Trade UNECE UN/CEFACT White Paper
Organization News
IDunion announces successful establishment of European cooperative
IDunion, the consortium created as part of the “Secure Digital Identities Showcase” funding project, has reached the next stage in building a productive, cross-border ecosystem by founding a European cooperative with limited liability (Sociedad Cooperativa Europea, or SCE for short).
Summing up Badge Summit WeAreOpenCoop
1) Make sure people in the Keep Badges Weird community felt respected and recognised
2) Help potential community members join and be able to interact with the community
3) Raise awareness of Open Recognition (i.e. non-credential use of badges)
Company News
New Mobile Dock Wallet Release: Users Can Create and Manage Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) Dock
The wallet enables users to fully own, control, and manage their credentials that are issued as Verifiable Credentials such as a university degree or government ID.
Dominium - Self Sovereign Identity Platform on Cardano FUIXLABS.COM (video)
The open source implementation of DID on Cardano
Demonstration of FuixLabs Self Sovereign Identity product Dominon to TownHall
Editorial: (about the research topic) Establishing Self Sovereign Identity with Blockchain Frontiers Alan Sherriff, Kaliya Young, Michael Shea 19 August 2022
An underlying theme is the deep concern with the prevailing wind of global capitalist society and systems that prioritize profit and economic growth over well-being for people and the planet. The decentralized mindset of SSI engenders new possibilities for exploring change in our economic thinking and value accounting practice (Manski) and the need to design compelling value propositions to drive SSI adoption (Lockwood) that can play a part in addressing these concerns.
Common Digital Identification Project: Anonymous authentication system using Absolute Identifier & Decentralized OTP Gwon OhGyoung, AHNIST Network Neutrality Laboratory (via
Public Sector
What Is GovTech? Ping Identity
Based on technology, the GovTech agenda is driven by the GovTech Solutions Group (GSG) and GovTech Global Partnership (GTBP) under Governance Global Practice (GGP). But what does GovTech do? What are its objectives and challenges, and how can it best fulfill them
Rematic talking to January Walker running for the House in Utah RematicEGC
Self-Sovereign Identity and each individual's responsibility to safeguard their identity are crucial for the protection of personal data.
Google is bringing Electronic IDs to Android VentureBeat
very soon, we will launch another Jetpack compatibility library that app developers can use immediately to write such apps for various DMVs or whatever cards — in the future, maybe even travel documents, although that kind of standardization for international travel is even further out.
Spruce and TBD Demonstrate Decentralized Identity Interoperability SpruceID
Spruce and TBD are the first two organizations to demonstrate support for all five JWS algorithms for JsonWebSignature2020 (Data Integrity Proofs) and JWTs, for VCs and W3C Verifiable Presentations (VPs), which is a major step toward vendor interoperability.
SSI Report - Interoperability RootsID
Interoperability is the ultimate challenge of a Decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity. Hyperledger Aries is hosting an Interopathon to showcase all the work their community has done to promote Interoperability. We have also started discussions about a standard import/export format that would further improve interop across identity agents.
Dynamic Data Economy Presented to Technology Consortium in India HumanCollosus Foundation
The "Data Governance and Semantics" project featured three webinars introducing DDE as a decentralised trust infrastructure acutely aligned with the current movement toward data exchange models in the Economic domain where actors regain transactional sovereignty to share accurate information bilaterally.
Web3: CRYPTO Cross-Chain Identity On Nervos CryptoCapitalVenture
.bit account is such an inclusive data container that you can put any type of data into it. Tons of Web3 apps will provide service for you after indexing relevant data stored in your .bit account.
Understanding Decentralized Identities (DIDs) and Why They Matter for Web 3.0 Adoption TechBullion
data breaches and hacks on Web 2.0 applications calls for a new system that protects users data and privacy on the internet. Additionally, the rapid growth of the decentralized internet means that digital identities are becoming more important than ever
Prepping for DWeb Camp HoloChain
On this theme, I’m particularly interested in one event, an attempt to map the projects that make up the DWeb and look for opportunities for interoperability. This was a vision I carried with me to the last DWeb Camp, and I’m hoping to see more conversations about building bridges between networks.
Decentralized Identity Use Cases: Self-Sovereign Identities for DAOs Fractal
Fractal Protocol enables users, individuals to control who has access to their data, for which purposes, and under which conditions. It allows users to reap the just rewards for providing access to the data that fuels the ecosystem.
The Four Pillars of Tokenized Identity Civic
If you are considering integrating tokenized identity into your protocol, seek out a model that meets these requirements.
NFT + SSI = What I Own + Who I Am (with Dominik Beron of Northern Block
What drove the 2021 hype cycle for NFTs?
Has the hype around NFTs been good for digital identity?
Ownership-based Access Management – using NFTs for Access Management
What are Soulbound Tokens, and what are some issues associated with them?
Why is building SSI products harder than building NFT products?
What does it mean to be an EBSI conformant wallet?
OIDC SIOP and the Open Policy Agent
Does SSI fit within a Zero Trust model?
Why NFTs and SBTs aren’t the best solution for digital identity TechNative
Ultimately, each one of these will find their uses but care should be taken to avoid creating another scandal similar to Clearview AI where people release data into the world without being truly aware of the downsides it can create. Privacy, you don’t know what you got till it’s gone!
How to rewrite a press release: a step-by-step guide Jonudell
Lead with key benefits. The release features two: support for diplex-matched antennas and faster workflow. The original headline mentions only the first, I added the second.
Clarify modifiers. A phrase like “diplex matched antennas” is ambiguous. Does “matched” modify “diplex” or “antennas”? The domain is unfamiliar to me, but I suspected it should be “diplex-matched” and a web search confirmed that hunch.
Omit needless words. The idea of faster workflow appears in the original first paragraph as “new efficiencies aimed at streamlining antenna design workflows and shortening design cycles.” That’s a long, complicated, yet vague way of saying “enables designers to work faster.”
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